37. The Last

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Thunder boomed loudly across the sky, the lightning once in a while striking to illuminate the room for a quick moment. It was spring but somehow, the rain chose to pour nonstop on that one eventful spring day.

Sohee tucked herself deeper into the warmth of her blanket. She wasn't afraid of the thunder nor the lightning. There was this sudden pain her head and chest that seemed so different from the pain she had experienced.

The color in her face disappeared as if it was caused by the weather. Her lips were chapped and dry as if she had been thirsty and dehydrated in a desert for twenty days straight. Every fiber of her body had lost the ability move and all she wanted was to close her eyes and sleep all of them painful feelings away. Alas, the storm wasn't making it any easier. It only fuelled her own storm internally further.

She was glad that Yoongi was busy for the past few days. She requested Namjoon to keep him busy as much as possible, take his thoughts of her away from his mind. Sohee wasn't ready to tell him yet hence the favor he asked from Namjoon. Though, she was still keeping that promise to tell him sooner or later.

As the nth thunder crashed, the door opened and Sohee panicked for awhile, expecting it to be Yoongi. But then she felt a mixed feeling of relief and disappointment upon seeing Namjoon enter with a hard expression.

His frown deepened upon seeing her state. The girl forced out a smile foolishly at him as if it would make the situation any better.

"Sohee..." he called her name softly. Somehow, even though his voice was soft, it was loud enough to reach the female's ears despite of the loud weather. "You're..."

"It's time, Namjoon," she sighed out. The storm within her calmed down the moment she saw Namjoon enter the room. "I can feel it. Everything within me is..." She let out a deep breath. "...hurting. But I feel numb so it's fine. I don't feel any pain."

"Fuck," he cursed under his breath. "I'm getting Yoongi. You," He pointed a finger at Sohee, who seemed to be in a calm state, a contrast to Namjoon's. "You stay here and breathe. Don't die."

Sohee swore she managed to let out a sarcastic and humorous laugh but it only came out as a raspy cough. Namjoon left the room, the door slamming in the process.

Sohee was already hating this. This wasn't what she had wanted. Namjoon was panicking and distressing. What more of Yoongi? She didn't want them to send her off with sadness in their faces, she refused that.

But she couldn't help but cry out when Yoongi came to her mind. His gummy smiles that brightened up her whole world. The way he tucked her hair behind her ears just to see her face clearly because he found her ridiculously beautiful even if to her, she wasn't. She would miss the way her hands threaded through his strikingly attractive blue hair along with the sad story behind it.

She almost didn't want to leave at that moment because if there was anyone who would miss him the most, it was her. But she couldn't stay. It would hurt him more. He had struggled enough already losing someone. He needed to let her go for his happiness. He musn't hold on to her for long.

The only way to remove the pain from his heart is to leave. Sohee had made up her mind. Exhaustedly wiping the uncontrollable tears that kept falling, she sniffled everything back, holding the tears in line that were threatening to fall.

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