4. His Care

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Even though Sohee tried to convince Yoongi that she was fine already, he didn't take it. She told him a dozen times that he need not to walk her home, but after what happened about an hour earlier, Yoongi didn't want to leave Sohee unless she was safe in her own dorm.

So, she didn't have a choice but to give in.

"This was unnecessary, Yoongi." Sohee sighed annoyingly. "I can walk pretty much fine."

"You had a headache and you nearly fell. You were lucky I was there to catch you." Yoongi retorted. "Besides, walking you home is not a big deal."

"It is!" Sohee jumps to Yoongi's surprise. "You could've been enjoying your sleep right now instead of walking some girl home at midnight."

"You're not just some girl." Yoongi frowns. "Also, I'm positive that I won't be able to get some good sleep with the worry of me not making sure you were able to go back safely in your dorm." The dorm building came into his view.

Suddenly, Sohee harshly wiggled her way out of Yoongi's gentle hold on her, startling Yoongi. She turned around to face Yoongi with a fuming face.

"Why do you even care?" She shouted. "You're a literal stranger to me. If anything, I'm supposed to be staying away from you right now! You may be someone dangerous! I could be dumb for trusting you right now!"

Her words pierced right through Yoongi's heart. Taken aback by the sudden burst of Sohee, he just stood there with his hands clenched into fists, and a straight face.

Sohee realized what she said and clasped her hands on her mouth. She widened her eyes as she looked at Yoongi's dark orbs. When earlier, his hair seemed a bright shade of blue, now, it seemed darker. Sohee deeply regretted what she said. She didn't know what made her say that but she knew that she hurt Yoongi.

And it hurt her.

Before Sohee could explain herself, Yoongi broke the eerily dead silence. "You're right." He sighed, unclenching his fists. "I'm a stranger to you and you shouldn't be trusting me right now. Well then, I guess you just proved that you can defend and stand up for yourself." He forced a smile. "Your dorm's near. You can walk alone and reach there safely. Goodnight. Goodbye, Sohee."

Then he was gone.

Sohee stayed rooted on the ground, still processing what happened just a few seconds ago. She couldn't explain her outburst, and the fact that she had the nerve to say all of that to Yoongi, who had been so kind to her since this morning.

A day hasn't even passed yet but she had already lost her only potential friend. She truly did suck at talking to people. It angered her. It frustrated her. Most of all, it hurt her.


The next day was chaotic. Well, for Sohee. It was the first day of classes of the second semester and she already feels fatigued. Most of it was because she spent almost the whole day yesterday in studying and well... the other half, she spent time with Yoongi.

But remembering their last encounter fatigued her the most, crushing her, and making her not want to get up from bed. She wanted to call herself an idiot over and over again the whole day.

But thinking that it would get her nowhere, she forced herself to get ready. Not bothering to fix her hair anymore, she grabbed her things and most likely shoved everything inside her bag then made her way out of the dorm, clearly not looking forward on the rest of the day.


The bell ringing signaled that school was over. Students began flooding out of the classrooms and auditoriums, some eager to sleep in the own comfort of their beds, and some eager to spend time with their friends.

Sohee was pretty sure she belonged to the first category. She lazily fixed her things then slowly walked out of the auditorium. She was tired and exhausted, and it showed since a couple of students were staring at her weirdly.

She made her way out of the building only to halt in her steps. She widened her eyes and fluttered them a couple of times to see if her eyes weren't tricking her. In front of her stood the blue-haired boy. Instead of his scrubs, he wore a white dress shirt with a black sweater in front, the collar of the dress shirt outside, gray pants and a pair of sneakers.

Sohee definitely can't deny that Yoongi's sense of fashion was top tier.

She gulped. Her eyes slowly trailed from his outfit to meet his eyes. She was surprised to see him softly smiling instead of wearing a frown on his face.

Students were slowly starting to dissipate and once again she felt as if it was only the two of them in this world. A world that was so cruel.

When Yoongi realized that Sohee wasn't going to move too soon, he made the first move, walking towards her with no hesitation. He stopped a few inches in front of her. Sohee had to tilt her head upward just to meet his gaze.

"Hi." She breathed out awkwardly. "Why are you here?"

"Because I want to be here." He replied instinctively. "It was pretty amusing watching you go out here alone. Don't you have friends? You know, what do you girls call it? Ah, girlfriends?" He snickered.

Sohee scoffed. "No, I don't. I have no time to make some girlfriends."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. Silence soon enveloped the two of them once again. But it wasn't an awkward one.

"Do you have work?" Sohee asked.

Yoongi nodded. "But it doesn't start until eight. I'm taking the night shift today."

Sohee bit her lip. "Can I walk you to the hospital?"

Yoongi softly smiled and tucked a strand of Sohee's hair when the cool air decided to pass by them quietly. Then he placed his hand on Sohee's shoulder. "Of course."


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