5. The Spark

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Sohee's palms started to sweat in nervousness. She didn't know why suddenly being around Yoongi made her nervous. Also, her boldness. Why would she offer to walk him? It was supposed to be the opposite.

While Sohee was having a dilemma in her own mind, Yoongi seemed to find this quite amusing. What made him chuckle to himself was that he could read the girl like an open book.

While keeping an eye on Sohee, he announced, "We're here."

Sohee suddenly jumped in surprise, Yoongi's husky voice resonating through her ears. It was probably because of the weather that was beginning go get colder, approaching the winter season that his voice was a bit raspier than yesterday.

"O-Oh." She stuttered.  "Um, Yoongi?"

Yoongi hummed in response, instinctively proceeding to position himself directly in front of Sohee, who was busy trying to formulate at least one sentence to say to Yoongi.

"I'm sorry." She ended up whispering. She was so nervous that her heart was beating rapidly and twice as faster as the normal one.

"Come again?" Yoongi said gently, bringing his head down to catch a glimpse of Sohee's lovely face. "I didn't quite catch what you said."

"I'm sorry, Yoongi." She met Yoongi's eyes with glistening eyes. "I'm sorry for lashing out at you last night and for being unnecessarily grumpy. I knew that you're intentions were good and for my own safety. I don't know what made me say that. I'm not really a sociable person so I suck at talking and—"

"Hey." He said softly, slightly chuckling. "Calm down, Sohee. It's alright. I forgive you. I knew you didn't mean to say those to me. You were probably just tired or maybe bottling up your emotions. I completely understand that."

Sohee released a breath she didn't knew she had been holding in. "Thank you, Yoongi. Thank you for forgiving me, and for being understanding."

Yoongi smiled softly. "You don't have to thank me. I clearly didn't do anything for you in the span of one day and a half we met."

"Don't say that." Sohee frowned slightly. "You were the only one there for me when no one was. Right now, you're no stranger to me anymore, but a friend. I'm grateful that you're putting up with me even though I'm annoying."

"You're not annoying. Stubborn maybe." Yoongi smirked.

Sohee hit his arm playfully. "Hey, I'm not!" She retorted.

They both laugh together, each of them considering the other's laugh as a melody in their ears. When their laughters died down, they both stared at each other's eyes.

"I guess you have to go in there now." Sohee broke the silence. "There's three more hours before your shift starts. You should use the time in taking a nap."

Yoongi shook his head. "Sleep can wait, I'm hungry. Let's go eat something hot."

Before Sohee could protest, Yoongi was already grabbing her hand and leading her out of the campus. After a few minutes of walking, they reached the part of Gangnam where alot of restaurants are lined up on each side of the street. No cars were passing by since it was prohibited to drive cars in that street.

Alot of people were chattering among themselves as they dine in in their chosen restaurant to satisfy their cravings. Because of the cold weather, Sohee was craving ramen noodles.

"I'm craving ramen." She blurted out without thinking.

Yoongi smirks. "I got you covered."

Yoongi leads them both to a ramen restaurant, his hand still holding Sohee's. The girl blushed at how their hands fitted perfectly together.

Once they were seated across from each other and have each ordered their own dish, Yoongi placed his elbow on the table and his chin on his palm as he stared at Sohee with his gummy smile showing.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sohee tilted her head in curiosity. "Do I have something on my face?"

Yoongi shook his head. "Your hair really looks like a bird nest, by the way."

Sohee blushed yet again furiously upon remembering that she never bothered to smooth her hair out this morning. "R-Really?" She squeaked out.

Yoongi nodded eagerly, his smile still plastered on his face. "Um, let me excuse myself to use the restroom then first." Sohee stands up but Yoongi quickly latches his hand on her wrist, stopping her.

"You don't have to."

Yoongi proceeded to smooth out Sohee's hair after she sat back down. While the girl was a blushing mess, Yoongi chose to ignore the red hues on her cheeks while he fixes her hair. He enjoys the silkiness and softness of Sohee's hair in the process. Then finally, with the final touch, he tucked her hair behind her ear then slowly retracted his hand from her as if she was too fragile that when he retracts it abruptly she might disappear from his sight.

At this moment, the two stared at each other's eyes, and they seemed lost into each other's gazes. Neither of them backing down. As if using their own stares to tell the other all the things that they found beautiful in them, including their very own insecurities and unwants.

No words were needed to be spoken, as they both understood that there was undeniably a hidden spark between them, though each never knew if the other felt the same. A hidden magnet bringing them closer to each other. The magnet was known to be destiny.


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