3. Rains And Rainbows

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Yoongi blinked at the sight of a hopping Sohee approaching him. He didn't understand how a girl was so lively in the middle of the night. While Sohee was bright and enthusiastic, he was the opposite. He was tired, sleepy, and hungry.

He had been convincing himself for the past five minutes that he agreed to have dinner with Sohee because he was hungry. But his mind kept telling him otherwise. You just want to spend time with her, it told him.

"Hey, Yoongi." She stopped just a foot away from him. Then she surveyed him from head to toe. She was amazed how the scrubs suited him so much. He looked so professional that she dreamed to be like him. "You just got off work?" She guessed.

"Bingo." He grinned. It was Yoongi's turn to survey her. He couldn't help but snicker. "So, Iron Man pajamas are your thing, huh?"

Sohee blushed furiously. "At least I put on a coat!" She defended herself. "And I love Iron Man. You don't know how much I cried right after I finished Endgame."

Yoongi laughed. "Didn't know you had a soft spot for such movies." He noticed her silence, probably too embarrassed. "You like street food?" He smoothly switched the topic.

Sohee nodded. Yoongi, without hesitation, takes Sohee's hand and lead the way, not noticing the red hue that made way to Sohee's cheeks.


Sohee happily munched on the fishcakes, enjoying its taste lingering on her tongue and mouth. She closed her eyes to savour the taste fully, making sure not to miss a single inch of it.

Yoongi, on the other hand, couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. Meanwhile, Sohee has finished five sticks, Yoongi was still halfway through his first. He pinched himself to stop being a creep and mind his own business.

With Sohee managing to finish seven sticks, while Yoongi two, they proceed to the next food cart. Yoongi was amazed by Sohee's metabolism. She clearly didn't show any sign of being full yet, meanwhile, Yoongi felt like he was already bloated.

"Hotteok!" Sohee exclaimed. She skipped towards the food cart while Yoongi laughed softly at her. "I'd like two, please." She said once Yoongi reached her.

"Here." She handed Yoongi one with a bright smile. Yoongi couldn't possibly say no to her so he took it from her and began eating it slowly.

They both began to take walk mindlessly on the side road. Sohee was quietly munching and enjoying her second hotteok, while Yoongi silently watched her from beside.

"This is really nice." She said through a mouthful. "Taking a walk while eatiing hotteok, and enjoying the breeze of the wind with someone beside you."

Yoongi's heart swelled upon the last few words. "It is." He agreed. "It's nice in the feeling, especially when you're in that phase of having a hard time at the moment."

"It's scary that once this nice moment is done, something unpleasant will happen the next." Sohee looked faraway, her hotteok halfway finished in the cup.

Yoongi wanted to lighten up the mood back so he chose to laugh softly. "That's true. But we just gotta move on forward, and be positive."

Sohee's lips curved up. "I'm having quite trouble in thinking positive things but thanks, Yoongi."

"Don't think too much about what's refraining you from being happy. Otherwise, it'll consumed you instead of the other way around. After all, all problems have their very own solutions. We just have to find it. Only then, we can achieve happiness." Yoongi smiled at her softly.

By that time, they have stopped walking. Silence surrounded them which meant it was only the two of them standing right there. Underneath the moonlight, Yoongi's blue hair was emphasized and Sohee found it even more enthralling. She knew that everything about the boy in front of him was enchanting, surreal, and beautiful. An angel indeed.

She smiled. "Life consists of rains and rainbows after, after all!"

Yoongi flashed his gummy smile at her upon hearing the change of tone in her voice. He silently admired the girl's features. From her deep brown wavy hair, to her soft jaw, then her rosy cheeks that were caused by the cold that night, her shiny buttoned nose, her brown eyes that reflected the light of the moon, and suddenly he could see a million dreams she wanted to achieve just by looking at her eyes, then finally his gaze landed on her soft pink lips that were smiling. He realized her smile was his favorite shape.

He found her ethereal.

"What are you looking at?" Sohee tilted her head in curiosity.

Yoongi shook his head. "Just thinking."

"Is it work? I know that work can be pretty shitty. The student life sucks already, what more being a worker." She made a face, to which Yoongi laughed.

"Working is tiring, but if you love what you're doing, you'll most likely enjoy it at most times." He placed both of his hands in his pockets to warm his hands up from the cold.

Sohee noticed this. "You cold? My coat is small, but you can borrow it if you want to—"

She was cut off when she felt a sudden piercing pain in her head. She dropped the hotteok accidentally, then she placed both of her hands on each side of head hoping that the pain would go away.

Though she didn't scream, she closed her eyes tightly. She heard Yoongi's voice but it was as if in the distance. A long beeping sound was all she could hear loudly. She badly wanted to lie down because of the pain. The thought caused her knees to wobble and before she knew it, her legs gave up and Yoongi caught her just in time.

Suddenly the pain subsided. Her vision wasn't blurry anymore. All she could think of was Yoongi's arms around her. Hers were on either side of his shoulder. Their faces inches apart.

She noticed Yoongi's face twist in worry. Yoongi could only think of Sohee's glistening eyes, unshedded tears that were threatening to fall. Yoongi's heart ached.


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