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"Hyung, it's me," Namjoon, who was in the other end of the call replied.

The train's engine and the chattering and hustling of people inside was the only source of sound that could be heard, in addition to Yoongi's quiet and deep voice. His tousled dark brown hair gleamed against the sunrise light that penetrated through the train's windows.

As he pressed the phone in his ear to drown the chattering noises inside and only focus on his best friend's voice, he looked out the window, his irises reflecting the aesthetic sunlight.

"Hey, Joon. What's up?" he grinned softly and miraculously, the smile reached his eyes.

The male friend chuckled from the other line, finding the nickname given to him sweet. Yoongi's smile grew bigger at the sound of his little bro's laughter.

"Nothing, really. Just here to check up on you, you know. How's the train ride going? Are you there yet?" Namjoon questioned once his chuckle had died down.

Yoongi's gaze fell on the watch encircled around his wrist then brought them back to admire the scenery before him. "Mhm. Just a few more minutes and we'll reach the station."

"Alright. Good luck, hyung. Take care." The older male smiled at the thoughtfulness of his closest friend.

The train suddenly approached a tunnel, and then everything went dimmer. The lights flashed on and the train slowed down.

"I will, Joon. Thank you. Speaking of, I just arrived. I'll call you later once I'm done, okay?"

After an okay from Namjoon, they bid their goodbyes and ended the call. People began to bustle out of the train and it was difficult for Yoongi to blend in with the crowd because he hated crowded places since it made him feel suffocated.

He dashed through the crowd but made sure that he wasn't purposely bumping into the others. The last thing he wanted was to get into a fight with someone.

Once in the open, he released a breath that he had been holding. Slinging his backpack further into him, he began to walk. He hailed a cab to take him to his home.

That night, he had a nostalgic dinner in the house where he grew up. Though he was alone, he still missed the atmosphere and the vibe of his home since it had been quite a long time since he had went back home. But the moment he collapsed on top of his bed, he stared at the ceiling with a smile ghosting over his lips. The aesthetic moonlight illuminated his room, the place where he had grown up and had spent his childhood.

The figurines, car toys, and the such lined up against the shelf that was placed in one side of his room, which reminded him of alot of memories. Since the bed was quite a bit small for his size, his feet went passed the mattress and was hanging over the air. He peeked at them and wiggled his feet covered with socks.

Soon, he fell into a peaceful slumber, the smile never leaving his soft lips.


Tucking his hands inside the pockets of his jeans, his eyes surveyed over the flower shop that had no customers yet but inside, it seemed lively. The fresh and pleasant scents of different flowers filled his nostrils and he inhaled them with ease, closing his eyes for a moment.

When he opened them again, the bells of the store rang and an old lady came out, with a heartwarming smile etched across her face, which was directed to Yoongi.

"Yoongi!" she exclaimed. "You're back! It's been awhile since I saw you here. Are you back for good?"

The boy returned the smile then shook his head gently side to side. "No, actually." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm just here to visit, ahjumma."

Though the old woman frowned in slight disappoint, it was immediately replaced with a brightening smile. She walked towards Yoongi then encircled her arm around his. "Are you here to get some flowers for someone?" She raised a knowing eyebrow at him.

Yoongi's cheeks turned a shade of red. He didn't answer her question but instead said, "I'd like to purchase a bouquet of daises actually."

The woman clapped in approval and happiness before she dragged the boy inside the store. As the woman went behind the counter to arrange dozens of daises into a bouquet, Yoongi listened to her stories with interest sparkling in his eyes.

As the old woman wrapped the bouquet delicately, she commented, "Blue hair really suited you nicely, but that dark shade of brown that you have right now is really nostalgic."

"Ah, thank you, ahjumma." He gave her a soft gummy smile. The old woman found his smile adorable since whenever he smiled, his eyes would disappear. It was a quality of his that almost everyone loved, including Namjoon and her.

The woman sent him off shortly. Yoongi smiled softly as he walked across the sidewalk, inhaling the pleasing scent of the daisies.

Soon, he reached his destination, a small hill, where you could see the amazing and astonishing view of Daegu below. The sun was still rising, creating a yellow-orange hue that painted the sky. The wind gently kissed his boopy cheeks and he loved the feeling.

As he slightly buried his face in the soft petals of the bouquet of daisies, a voice called him from behind. The soft and feminine voice sent a series of goosebumps down his arms and it always seemed that way every time she called out for his name.

Slowly turning around, his feet crunching against the fallen autumn leaves, he smiled once again upon hearing her voice.




A/N: Oh my gods. Thank you so much for reading until the end! I really never expected that I would be able to end this book, to be honest lmao. I always seemed to write stories but then leave them unfinished because of such horrible writer's block oof.

But seriously, thank you for reading until the end. Thank you for the votes and comments that certainly never failed to motivate me!

Stay safe and healthy always, tangerines! Avoid going out first in this pandemic and keep yourselves hydrated! :D Bye!!

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