Chapter Twenty-eight

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Chapter Twenty-eight

Haruto pulled up my necktie as he was smiling. His messy hair and fluffy cheeks with his eyes looking dry from a long sleep we shared expectedly fancy me. His eyes were fixed on my necktie, doing it for me when he noticed I was having a hard time. "Never learn to do your necktie," he started saying. His morning breathe is his usual fragrance, how could that be possible. I furrowed my brows, "Why?" I let out a chuckle. "So that I can do it for you, always."

A smile flustered across my face, pinching him on his cheeks. He cutely laughed, his lips pursed onto thin line as he blushed. "Why do I feel like we're aging backwards, baby? We're already on twentys and yet we act like teenagers," he noted, finally done with my necktie and now picking up my black coat from the bed. I turned my back on him as I raised both of my arms, letting him clothe me. I laughed a bit, just chuckling.

He kissed me on my forehead as I bid him my farewell. He will need to go to Paris tomorrow morning. And I need to deal with Wilson Company. I need to deal with Junghwan.

Employees gathered inside the hall for a meeting. We need to finalize the project proposal.

I rested my back on the soft couch, staring at the big screen in front of me as I put my index on my chin thinking hardly over the project.

"Are these materials available here?" I asked. I saw Yen's adams apple moved as he nodded his head. "Uh, yes, Mr. Park." I nodded my head, "Then do you think it will be practical for us to use quiet expensive materials for our product?"

The meeting goes on like that. I needed to make sure my employees know what they are doing and I'm glad to know they prepared themselves to respond to my questions.

"You were so tight awhile ago, Mr. Park." Jae chuckled, entering my office with his hand carrying a paper bag. I raised him a brow. "The employees were so tensed, you see," he continued saying, putting down the paper bag in front of me, "Anyways, Mr. So gave this coffee." I paused, thinking of any possible reason why'd he will do so, "Well, Mr. So is just kind, Woo. Maybe that's the only reason he'd give you this."

Kind. He looks like it. Indeed.

I resumed on my day, caught up with the papers I need to check and sign. Haruto haven't called yet, maybe he's still on board.

I laid my back on my couch, closing my eyes as I massaged the back of my neck getting sore and stiffed. I glanced on my watch to see that it's already six o'clock in the evening, I didn't notice I've been working on my laptop for so long now. I just can't afford to present a cheap presentation in front of... Mr. So Junghwan. It would probably hurt my pride, if ever.

Jae called to inform me about a party this upcoming Sunday since our company was said to be expected to come. I can't refuse to go although I think I'll go alone without Haruto.

I picked up my coat as I stood up. I'll just buy myself some food and take a shower as I got home. The bed will feel empty without Haruto but maybe I needed time on my own to think clearly. I'm still not over the fact that his ex... boyfriend... is alive. Is he even an ex... I don't know and I'm not sure.

"Take care, Sir." the janitor said as I got out of my office, I smiled and nodded my head, "Thank you,"

I got on the elevator, pressing 1.

I cupped for my keys in my pocket, throwing my bag inside the car as I hopped in. I feel so out of energy whenever Haruto is not around. He just hypes me effortlessly. I don't think I'll be able to enjoy my meal for dinner.

But I found myself walking inside a restaurant to buy myself a food to eat. I'll just have it take out.

But to my surprise, I saw Eunsang with Junghwan, just about to get inside the resto. Crap. Why do we always cross paths when it's unnecessary?

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