Chapter One

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Chapter One

The first day of my senior high school came like a horror to me. I never get to fit in; the students in the same age just don't get themselves to like me even just a bit. I was used to it, I just learned.

I took up the STEM strand thinking I like Science, Jae took the same strand but sadly he isn't in the same University with me. Mrs. Yoon refused to let me pay his tuition... which I think I have no rights to insist. Jae and the Yoon family became my backbone when Dad died, they are the only people who cared and look out for me and sometimes, I just know, they don't like taking too much from me.

I sighed, inhaling the fresh air, I danced my feet over the air watching the overview of the school from the rooftop. I think this place is my solitude, but sometimes it brings mixed emotion inside my heart.

I hugged my knees resting my chin on it as I watched over the different frames of students having either one or two, or more friends beside them— laughing as they share food. It must be fun to feel a sense of belongingness.

I shrugged it off and just heaved a deep sigh, picking up the new books I got from the library earlier, these are for my research, I'll work on it now so I can finish it smoothly in time. It's not like I have friends to hangout with that I'll get distracted.

It was fool of me to think I won't meet Jihoon, my step brother, on the way and his friends— Asahi, Hyunsuk, Junkyu and Yoshinori. They are known to be the famous squad in the University, they are all part of the basketball team that brought such prideful legacy to our school.

I saw how Jihoon's lips rose as he smirked at me from head to toe— I unconsciously held my thick eyeglasses bowing my head to excuse myself. But Jihoon was quick to caught me on my collar to bring me in front of him.

He looked annoyed. Again.

"Ya, Jihoon, stop bullying your brother," Junkyu hissed, more on an insult when he emphasized last word. He chuckled when he gave me a pity glare.

"You. You get so much money from Dad. Transfer it to my account," he started still not leaving my collar alone. I started trembling again, and it's always obvious because my lips always moves.

"Jeongwoo, are you about to pee now? You look so scared, poor bastard," Hyunsuk said laughing. I averted my gaze away from them because their smirks make me tremble more. I don't know. I just can't forget the time they beat me up.

"U-uh.... you can have my card, h-hyun—

"say it and I'll cut off your tongue," Jihoon cut me off, getting all tensed when I forgot not to ever dare address him that way. He hates it.

"I'm s-sorry, Sir," they all laughed in unison. Jihoon inserted his hand on my pocket, taking my wallet.

"You are just my late father's whoreson but you get more than what the legal son gets, you think you deserve it?" he said raising all my ten cards on the air as I try to reach out for them. His friends exclaimed and laughed at me for being pitiful again.

Dad gave them all to me before. I never use them too often but I treasure them... it's from my father's sweat and hardwork.

"Please Sir, you can have the black one..." I pleaded, tears forming at the corner of my eyes.

"What will you do if I want all of them? You are obviously just after my Dad's richness. You son of a whore."

I have heard of it countless times but I never stop hurting over it. I think it's just too harsh... but too true, as well.

"Jihoon, let's go, our class starts in ten minutes," Yoshinori interrupted. Giving me a cold shoulder but I was thankful he butt in.

I heard Jihoon cursed before throwing the remaining nine cards on the floor after he picked up the black one. He playfully slapped me on the face, his hand clenching my jaw as he whispered

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