Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

My hand found its way to his chest, pushing him away with a bit of force. I saw his jaw slightly clenched, stunned with the harsh action from me.

I gave him a sloppy smile, "there's really no need for you to come too close, Mr. Watanabe. It's inappropriate." I saw him staring at me, his ocean eyes started trying to drown me again.

But to my surprise, I saw him smirking, closing the gap again as his hand cupped my cheek. "Why? Does being close with me makes your heart go wild?" raising his brow he asked. His eyes drifted on my unsettled necktie.

His hand started settling down my necktie, I stiffed trying to hold my head up. The way his focus on that makes my heart beat abnormally.

"Do I have that effect in you, Mr. Park... hmmm," his voice was soft, seducing and attractive. Hee smirked again, the corner of his lips rose.

I let out a chuckle, slapping his hand away from my face. "I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. Watanabe, but it's more likely disgusting rather than fluttering."

Confidence. He still has it. But I also earned the knowledge how to build a wall. I am wiser than ever. And I promised to myself I wouldn't be the same vulnerable as I was way back.

I saw his eyes avoiding my gaze, his back faced me as his feet found its way back to his couch.

I gulped when I felt a lump on my throat.

"Tomorrow morning, eight o'clock sharp, meet me here. We'll discuss the further details about your project proposal." his hand entertwined on the table, staring right through my eyes looking like he just get over from my harsh words.

"Can I just send a representative for that? I still need to go back to America because I'm handling a lot of my company's projects there." I asked.

"I hate inconsistency, Mr. Park. If you can't do it yourself, consider your proposal rejected." he smiled teasingly, as if he's telling me I need him.

I gritted my teeth, gathered the urge to throw him a stare. He was competing with me, throwing an intense gaze back.

"Okay. Tomorrow, eight o'clock." I said defeated.

There were silence for awhile but his phone started ringing under his table. I saw his eyes darted on it but he didn't pick it up.

"You can go now, Mr. Park. See you tomorrow," his eyes on his phone about to pick it up, he sounds like he's now shooing me away. I unconsciously nodded my head picking up my black sling bag walking out of his office without a word.

I saw some employees watching me as I walked out of Haruto's office. They are murmuring incoherent words which I'm not really bothered about at all.

Great. I need to stay here until he considered to partner with our company.

"I fucking hate his guts," I mumbled to myself, pressing a number on the elevator to the way down the lobby. "He didn't change at all, he's worse than ever tsk." I added, getting pissed over the situation awhile ago.

I should haven't let him go near me. I can step back. I can do better than that, I know. I can even drag girls out of my sight.

It's been seven years but why does it feels like it just happened yesterday? The way this heart reacts to him, I completely hate it.

I dialed Lance's number, giving a notice I won't be back for awhile. "Mr. Park, I miss you." I can hear William laughing out loud on the other line, teasing Lance for being clingy.

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