Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Nervousness took over me the next day I woke up knowing it's Monday. The thought of transfering to Class A brings such tingling yet nerve wrecking feeling inside me that I couldn't express. I think I'm just too overwhelmed? But I just know I'm afraid more than that.

It was hard and took time me timeto convince myself to take a showe and prepare myself for a new day because it is indeed a brand new one... thinking of facing different faces from now on makes my heart beat abnormally. As if I was expecting it to be different from the people I used to be around with.

It's just that... I don't know much about students higher than us. They seem quiet now that I've come to think of it.

Later that moment, I found myself facing the mirror, pinning my name tag on the left side of my polo. I finished up with simply combing my black hair and wearing my usual thick eyeglass.

I clutched my books tightly against my chest as I politely followed every single steps of Mrs. Choi from behind. There were butterflies in my stomach as we stepped inside the room. I was uneasy, unable to have the courage to lift up my chin to face them.

"Okay, class, listen up," Mrs. Choi started saying, they were all quite, I'm just as clueless of their expressions, I'm afraid I'll be an outcast. Again. Usually the way I am.

"This is Park Jeongwoo, from Class C,"

I didn't know meeting their eyes will be this overwhelming. The way their stares striking right into my heart was unexplainable. I can now see genuine smiles, as if I was someone deserving to be welcomed.

I nervously bowed down my head as a greeting. Speechless; my eyes darted onto Haruto's. It seems I was calmed down when his lips rose to form a smile, his head nodded a bit.

"Okay, so I hope you can cope up to the class, Mr. Park. Please feel welcomed, my students are kind, maybe kinder than the students from you class," I heard the unison of laughters filled the room with the adviser's statement. Which I found myself laughing at, as well, taking it to heart without heaviness.

"Please be seated beside Mr. Kim," thinking I got the chance to pick my own seat, I froze for awhile not knowing who she was referring to when the guy in front far behind from Haruto who's at the back, raised his hand to let me know.

"Here," he said with a chic smile.

I stared at him for enough time to remember who he is. I know I got to see his face from the bulletin board winning dance competitions and academic activities outside the University.

Kim Doyoung. That playboy.

I bowed my head at the students I passed by, which they smiled at with "Welcome to our class, Jeongwoo,"

At first I was shy to greet him but I was glad he did it first. "Hi, I'm Kim Doyoung," he said motioning me to sit.
I hesitated at first but later on, I also did because the class was about to start.

"Thank you, I'm Jeongwoo," I said, smiling as wide as it was earlier. I think I was just so glad.

He gave me another smile. He looks good. His not so curly brown hair covering his forehead, white skin and perfect set of teeth, his eyes filled with glimmers as it smiles with his lips, he looks like a chic boy, that guy who loves dressing up— but  more over he looks like a good boy, a friendly one. He dances and he's smart, really smart.

"I think I'll start going downhill," he said out loud making the others attention drifted on to our side.

"Why, Doyoung? Because you think Jeongwoo is smarter?" a guy from the back asked, chuckling, as it was a joke.

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