Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"So do you have a spare time now? I mean, if you just have nothing to do," I bit my lips, nervousness took over when I asked Haruto that question on a call after what happened yesterday.

I laid on my bed, my eyes darted on the green lighted ceiling I just installed awhile ago with Jae—it feels relaxing.

"Why are you asking me that now?" I can sense a hint of doubt in his voice, an image of him arching his brows as he looks at me incredulously. As he always do.

"Uh nevermind," I just surrendered, I can't really make up excuses or lie. "Okay, I really don't have anything to do," I heard him said breathy on the other line. My mouth left open, as I gritted my teeth and whispered "yes," happily.

I get up from my bed, quickly folding my blanket. I hummed a song as I entered my bathroom, excited to see Haruto. I was apologetic of my actions yesterday but it brought Haruto to open up to me, finally. If I was glad knowing the story, I am, I have disregarded my feelings for him that moment to understand his pain. And all I have in mind is to make him happy. At least.

I fixed onto a simple white polo paired up with maong jeans and a white sneakers.

"Mrs. Yoon, is something up?" I asked when I saw them preparing bunch of foods. It was something unusual if it's just a simple day. She smiled at me, greeting me with a kiss on my cheeks, smelling my fragrance for seconds giving off a smile "Mrs.  Park's sister is coming," she whispered with her small voice. "you smell so good, Woo. Are you seeing someone?" a hint of teasing smile showed across her face.

"I'll treat Haruto," I told her smiling as I went over the fridge to take out a bottled water. "Oh is that some kind of a date?" Jaehyuk interrupted when he showed up from the stock room from the left door of the kitchen. I gave him a warning look, my eyes widened, afraid Mrs. Yoon will hear him.

"A friendly date, I guess," Jaehyuk mumbled when Mrs. Yoon chuckled silently, eyes focused on the big piece of meat she was slicing. I choked on my water as I picked up a tissue from the counter.

"Jae, you love jokes, really," I glared at him. They exchanged looks which I can clearly read. "Uh, stop it," I sulked on my place as they both laughed at me. "So it wasn't a date?" Mrs. Yoon teased me again. "Jae, there is really no way you are adopted," I just said before heading out of the kitchen, their laughters faded in my ears as I just chuckled at it.

I have never seen Mrs. Park's sister, I heard she's living with their parents in America, which left Mrs. Park alone with their company and resort before she met my Dad. I snapped back to reality when my phone beeped and I received a message from Haruto saying he's outside the mansion waiting.

I went downstairs hurriedly after reading his text, both Jae and Mrs. Yoon watched over me as they continue giving me teasing smiles. "Enjoy your date, baby," I heard Mrs. Yoon said from the kitchen, I glanced back at the kitchen door and gave her a pout.

From afar, I can see Haruto's figure standing under the big tree outside the mansion's gate. He's wearing a blue hoodie and maong ripped jeans, he looks different now that I can see him wearing accesories on his ears, and his hair is kind of messy but it made him more appealing. Sometimes I think I'm way too confident whenever I found myself standing next to Haruto.

I waved my hands at him when his eyes drifted on the gate, and later found me walking towards him. He showed up me a smile and waved back at me shortly.

"Hey," I greeted, which made him smirked. "Are you trying to pay me for your actions yesterday?" he grinned after I reached his position and stood in front of him.

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