Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Next day's class was unrealistically light; it was as if I can now feel warm not because my classmates discontinued bullying me nor stopped throwing me shady looks and stares— it's because I know I got at least one person from the University as my company. Unbelievably, he's Watanabe Haruto.

Up until now I feel like daydreaming. Our status inside the school is beyond incomparable, I am no compared to how students look up to him. I am invisible and only visible if they want to have fun. Haruto? Even though he don't have a single friend beside him, they don't see him pitiful, it was his choice; more on his comfort. Me? I want to be friendly but no one wants me around.

Reality snapped me back when our professor announced we'll be having a surprise quiz from yesterday's discussion. Thankfully I studied and didn't worry about it at all.

I heard my classmates having a silent commotion over it and everyone looks uneasy, maybe because our English Professor was said to be strict with quizzes; she'll remove you from her class if ever you badly failed her first quiz which made me think I really should study her lessons, I always read though, afterall books are my friends.

"Let's just skip this old hag's class," I heard Lucas, a foreign exchanged student, from the back seat whispered to his friend. Moments after, I heard a bit of rustling and realized they have exited their seats and escaped the room.

I looked at our professor whose eyes are now darted on the door left open.

"Try to be like them on my class, we'll see each other again next year because I'll make sure you'll not pass my subject." she warned with stiffed and loud voice. She's really strict I can say.

I expected the quiz to be hard but luckily I finished it with assured answers, I think I just studied enough.

"Heck, I didn't even got a right answer, I think," a classmate said, kicking her chair as she pouted to her friend. I furrowed my brows, it wasn't hard... tho?

I ignored it and just cleaned up my desk when my phone beeped. It was Haruto.

I never expected him to text me after my second class and I also never expected him to ask me to have recess with him.

But I found myself already walking all the way to the cafiteria, which I never dare to do so at the first week of class because some students will just make fun of me. And I'll just look dumb eating alone.

I saw Haruto at the front door, he was holding a book in his right hand. He is wearing a white tee shirt, he looks sweaty and tired.

When he looked at me I suddenly felt nervous. I was never been friends with anyone all throughout my stay in this University, it was my first time to eat inside the cafiteria, and I never thought it will be with Haruto.

He simply raised his hand at me, still in blank expression as his eyes never left my sight.

"Uh h-hi," I said after I reached the front door. He nodded his head and smirked.

"You still look stiffed, you're still shy with me, I can say," he said and just gave me a smirk again not looking back when he already entered the door and I was hesitant for a moment to go next to him.

I stood still when I already saw pair of eyes looking. Maybe I am having anxiety or they are really looking at me.

Haruto looked back at me when he realized I wasn't walking next to him, he raised his brow at me when I just stood there like a scaredy puppy. I heard him uttered tsk when he went back to pull me on my wrist.

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