Chapter Twenty-two

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Chapter Twenty-two

The morning breeze filled my body, making me squeeze myself closer to Haruto's naked skin. Nothing happened. He just sleeps with nothing on top. Giggling when his hand gently pulled me on my waist making me feel a bit warmer—with his eyes still closed and his lips pursed into thin line forming a cute pout like. I smiled witnessing how he's calm and serene in his sleep. It's peaceful.

I slowly get rid of Haruto's grip as I crawled out of the bed making my way to the bathroom. I shivered a bit as the cold water rushed down my body—it's so cold! I hurriedly finished bathing, wrapping myself with the towel. My lips were trembling, I feel like having cold goosebumps.

Haruto's figure sitting on the bed greeted my eyes as he was already laughing seeing my face. "With the weather, you really got the nerves to take a bath?" he asked chuckling. I pouted, admitting to it. "Come here," he motioned me, I did as what he told as my feet walks towards him.

Pulling me to sit on the bed as he wrapped me in his arms embracing my wet body. "I'm still wet," I said, a playful laugh escaped his mouth "We didn't do anything tho?" I playfully slapped his cheeks "I'm wet because I took a bath, pervert," rolling my eyes I earned a loud laugh from him as he showered me kisses on my cheeks. I suddenly felt so hot on my face, not denying how Haruto never fails to make the butterflies on my stomach go wild.

He rested his chin on my shoulder as I angled my face to watch his face—handsome and fresh. "Let's go swimming later?" he asked, flashing a smile. "Okay," I smiled back, stroking his hair as I gave his cheeks a kiss. I saw him blushing right away as I just shrugged my shoulder on his surprised expression "Why?" I was laughing asking him that, his flattered smile made me giggle "That's something new, huh. You're learning,"

I'm learning. That's for a fact. I just realized maybe I'm too reserved, I just want him to feel that I have no doubt anymore. And I will prove it to him in any situations we will face together.

I faced him as I just silently wrapped my hands on his body, hugging him eventually. "I love you." that came from the deepest of my heart, I meant it big time and I'm glad I can express it now without being forced or rushed.

"You don't know how you can simply make my heart happy with just saying that, Park Jeongwoo."

After waiting for Haruto to settle himself, we get down to have a coffee together. As we were walking downstairs, I simply caught Haruto's hand entertwining it with mine, he was still taken aback but I just flashed him a smile as he held my hand tightly. "You're making me fall deeper, baby," he mumbled whispering tickling my ear.

Mrs. Linda greeted us, Haruto was shocked, stunned and were about to let go of my hand as an instinct but I held on it tightly, not denying it anymore since I knew Mrs. Linda was already watching from the very beginning. Haruto gave me a confused eyes as I just smiled at him.

"Mrs. Linda, good morning," I greeted her bowing my head. A wide smile lingered across her face, handing us a brown basket of brown cookies and milk. "For the lovebirds," she whispered chuckling. I can say Mrs. Linda is quick-witted. "I can already sense something is going on between you guys from the very moment you showed up here," my eyes widened with that revelation, earning a laugh from Mrs. Linda "I just know when people are in love, I've seen a lot of that here," this was the first time we talked with Mrs. Linda that Haruto were smiling ear to ear like he's somewhat proud to hear those words from the elder.

"It's nice to see you smiling, Hijo. You look like someone who'll definitely break hearts unintentionally. You probably have tons of admirers," Mrs. Linda continued saying, Haruto were blushing hearing the praises, I grinned knowing he likes it, very obviously.

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