Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

"Haruto..." Mr. Watanabe called out hopelessly, running out of the mansion right after seeing his son left.

I glanced at my grandma holding my hand. "Grandma, I need to go. Excuse me," I bowed down my head as I get myself out of the table and nervously ran after Haruto and Mr. Watanabe.

I froze on my feet, hid myself behind the big tree in the garden.

"What's happening?!" anger is evident in his voice, I took a peek just to see Haruto's face crumpled with confusion and anger. I bit my lip trying myself not to let out a cry. It's breaking me watching him breaking down.

"Ruto-ya... Calm down, please. Dad will explain," Mr. Watanabe's voice was soft, he is obviously careful not to make a single mistake. He knows letting his son know about him getting remarried will break his heart.

"I'm not dumb! I know what's happening! But why?! Why do you need to remarry?! Damn!"

Tears streamed down on his cheeks, helplessness is what I can see. It was like seeing his naked loneliness, and it's way too unbearable to witness.

"I love her, Haruto." I know he took courage to say those words to him. The way he said it straightforwardly, I know he meant it even though it takes to hurt his own son.

"You love her?! What about my mom?! Don't you love her anymore..." his voice cracked, the way he tilted his head up to supress himself, I know it's too painful for him. I understand...

"Haruto. I love your mom so much—

"So much?! But you can afford to tell me you love that girl?! Dad, get your facts straight, you're not making any sense to me!"

"Haruto. Your mom is gone."

I saw Haruto's expression shifted, he soften, tears just continued streaming down nonstop as he digested those words. I as well broke down hearing that. Gone.

How much it takes to accept that a person is gone...

He shook his head, hopelessly trying to deny his father's words. I bit my lip, didn't afford to held myself from crying.

"Ruto-ya... I know it's painful but your mom is long ago gone. I love her so much that I thought I wouldn't be able to live again. But I need to keep going for you and for your brother. I need strength to keep living and Yuri gave that to me..."

"You don't love her that much! Because if you do, you won't love another woman after her! Your excuse is such a bullshit. I hate you. I despise you."

His words left a cut on my heart. For what reason, I don't want to admit it to myself either.

After that he walked away leaving his dad dumbfounded. I ran after him unconsciously. It's like an instinct although I know it will be painful to be near him now.

The road was dimmed, the light from the mansion is what's made it bearable to walk on without stumbling.

I watched him walking, my heart was about to explode contemplating weather to talk to him or not. I froze when he stopped.

"Stop following me." he said with his cold voice. It sent shivers down my spine knowing to myself that he's angry.

I gulped "Haruto..." I called out for him. He glanced back at me, his tired and weak eyes struck right through my heart leaving such an unbearable heaviness.

"You know about it, right?" he asked, eyes getting teary again. I couldn't bring myself to lie again. I didn't actually lie to him about it but I know to myself I hid it away from him making me feel awfully bad.

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