Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The loudness of the music and dancing lights greeted my eyes the moment I took a step inside the famous club in America. Party life, it's something I've grown to love since I moved here with my grandparents. The people here are just as lively as I wanted to be. And socializing was as easy as I never thought it was.

"Hey, Mr. CEO," Leo, a college friend raised his hand giving me a notice. He is smiling ear to ear as the usual smiley guy from my circle.

I simply raised my hand and waved it a bit, a smile flustered on my face. "You came. Craving for some wines or some girls?" William, the handsome playboy asked handing me a glass of wine right at the moment I went near the table.

I let out a soft chuckle at his question, shaking my head knowing I was never been here for girls. "What are you saying, dude? It's them who are here for our Jeongwoo." Lance said, the cool guy of the group. I saw him winking at me as if that statement was some kind of a compliment.

"I'm not flattered by that, Lance." I told him, drinking the wine at one go. I heard them laughed.

I was occupied a bit because Lance were telling me something about Paris. He just told me he hooked up with a famous model there and dumped her after that night.

I arched my brows and slapped him on his chest. "You're proud of that, jerk?" he flinched. Why would he turn down such a beautiful woman?

"She's not my type at all, dude! Do you know she keeps moaning Hence?! The heck, I was clear when I told her my name is Lance! The fuck?" a disgusted expression lingered accross his face, remembering that night he was talking about.

Leo and William started slapping the table laughing at what Leo just told us. "Dude the girl said you look like a hen." there were silence when that joke escaped through the air. Leo is such a lousy joker.

William tapped Leo's shoulder, stood up from his seat when he flipped his hair showing off his forehead. He was trying to show us that he got a new hairstyle. I shook my head.

"Just go and get yourself some girl to spend the night, Mr. Chicboy. Stop showing off your forehead, we're not down for that." Lance blurted out, his hand shooing William away. I laughed a bit loud. Lance is my humor.

William and Leo waved their hand at us when both of them started walking towards the pool of people dancing. "Hey buddies, go with us!" Leo shouted. "I'm good with my wine." I said.

"Jeongwoo, I will make sure some girls will go to our table to do lapdancing with you." William said smirking. But seconds after that, a familiar girl came over, her butt sitting on my lap as she snaked her arms around my neck.

William and Leo's mouth left open, laughing looking at me. "I forgot you are Park Jeongwoo." Lance laughed with them, his eyes widened when the girl started moving her hips.

"Hey, are you already down for a hook up?" her voice was seductive if you can easily get seduced but for me it just sounds too thin and annoying.

"I'm sorry but you are?" I asked her, she stopped moving, her lips curved into a pout.

"You still can't recognize me? I've been hitting on you since January!" she was somewhat upset but I can't be bother to worry at all.

"I'm Sophia, c'mon!" she yelled, moments after that she tucked her face on my neck, smelling my fragrance.

"Uh-oh," Lance whistled, he knows what will happen next.

My hands found its way to her waist. At first I heard her giggling and whispering "Damn, your hands on my waist is so sexy," she's breathy.

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