Chapter Thirty-Five

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Haruto's Point of View

"You're doing just fine, right?" Haruto bended his back on my swivel chair, massaging the back of my neck, eyes focused on the screen in front. Still trembling upon some uncertain energy. This is just one of the days when I feel like I'm trapped and I'm unconsciously waiting for something to come around.

"Yes, Ruto! I and Eunsang will come to see you in awhile. Maybe within a week? I miss Paris and of course, I miss you my dear best friend." I heard him chuckling as I can imagine his eyes smiling with his lips.

My first love is long ago gone. Junghwan is happy with Eunsang, and I'm over it. I'm stuck with someone I no longer have any rights to be associated with. I refrain to appear in front of him... I want him to continue living without me. It was my selective choice to be gone and never come back.

I can't even utter his name anymore. I feel like I am in no place to bring him up. He seems happy, too. That's so miserable of me, I have jerked on him and I don't deserve bit of him at all. I love him but I better be away from the frame.

"Hey, ruto-ya?" Junghwan snapped back at me. I shook my head as I tried to disregard the thoughts about gloominess.

"Yes, I miss you too. Come sooner, tell Eunsang I'll beat him up next time,"

"I won't let you." he strictly said. I let out a soft laugh, and shrug my shoulder. That guy is one lucky jerk.

I sighed as I hang up the call, loosening up my tie closing my eyes. I need some rest away from office works, considering the fact that I have no party buddies and I am an awkward cold person, it will be the same boring rest day so I better spend it with my business.

Mrs. Williams peeked on my door with her lips smiling as she was hugging a blue folder against her chest. She's an acting assistant of the company, and one of my trusted business partners. I nodded my head as a gesture allowing her to enter, standing up on my foot, I bowed down my head as a greeting.

"What brings you here, Mrs. Williams?" I asked. She sat down, pushing the blue folder on the table. "It was the house you're selling. Finally, someone took an interest to buy it." that made my jaw dropped. I have set an unreachable prize for it not to be bought.

"Who?" I asked again. She smiled, "it's my colleague, she's highly interested,"

I nodded my head slowly, bringing myself in acceptance that I need to sold it.

"I'll let you settle the deal with the buyer, Mrs. Williams." I told her, smile lingered across my face as I gulped. This is the best way to move forward, so I won't have any glimpse of him.

"I'll take note of that, that's no problem."


"What happened? Where are you going, Haruto?" Junghwan's heavy footsteps filled my ear as he followed me all the way in my room. I shook my head, trying not to burst into tears in front of him. I don't want to put the blame on him. I am the one to be blame. I hurt Jeongwoo.

"Is it because of Jeongwoo?"

"It's always about him, Junghwan." my voice cracked, our eyes met, tears fell and streamed down my face. The weight I was carrying on my chest for awhile now, doubled, more painful and torturous.

"He wants me to be gone," I broke down on my knees. A part of me wanted not to believe him but I see it in his eyes, he's exhausted and anxious of my presence. I'm not healthy for him.

"I, I, don't know where in the world should I go if I'm not with him...."

The fear crept on me. Jeongwoo became my everything, I wanted to fix things of my past but I disregarded him and took advantage of his understanding.

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