6 • Accomplice • 6

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/əˈkämpləs/ noun

1. a person who helps another commit a crime


  Before they could even leave the room, a loud buzz filled the empty silence, it seemed as if someone was buzzing in to visit. "Did you order food, blondie?" Bakugou glared at the ridiculous nickname, but he shook his head at the question. He didn't have time to pick up his phone to do so. Realizing that, (F/n) hummed in acknowledgment and bit her bottom lip. "Should I answer it?" Bakugou only shrugged and turned his back towards her.

"I'll be back then," she points out before traveling down the hall that led to the lounge area, a slight bounce in her step. Maybe one of the students from Bakugou's class left something behind and they don't have a key? (F/n) wondered. Either way- there was a knock on the door this time. She only rolls her eyes as she presses one hand against the door and the other wrapped around the knob.

Leveling herself with the peephole, she peers into it and her thought from earlier was completely stomped on as she glimpses down towards the familiar government uniforms. They stood with their hands behind their backs, and even with the masks that covered their face, (F/n) practically felt their intense gaze at the door. She could feel the air leave her lungs and she turns on her heel.

Had he betrayed me? She shook her head as she rushed back into his room, eyes wide. The angry blond didn't seem to be the type, but then again, she didn't know him well enough to know. "Bakugou-" her voice was a harsh whisper. He turned to look at her, he had changed from his sleepwear and stood in black jeans with a grey, long sleeve top in his right hand.

"What the hell do you want? I'm changing, you fucking extra. Quit looking at me and learn how to knock ne-" a loud knock from the front door cut him off and he pulled the shirt over his head in frustration. His blond hair was messier now and it seemed much softer than before.

"Shut the fuck up." The statement caught him off guard, but he growled at her, making eye contact with her (e/c) eyes. He could see the slight panic in them. Who the hell was at the door? "They are here." Almost telling her to explain further, it seemed to click a second later.

Right, he thought as he reaches for his bag. "Did you tell them I was here? Did you-" (F/n) clutches her bag straps when the third knock was louder and more aggressive than the last. The next knock would probably be the last. "I didn't say shit," Bakugou was now trying his best to whisper, aiming to stay calm which was something he wasn't used to.

"I've got to go, does that window open?" She didn't give him any time to answer as she rushed towards it while pulling the blinds up and clutching her hands onto the sides of the cold, metal frame. Her heartbeat was quick and she couldn't think straight. She didn't have time to think of an escape route when she arrived, so of course, she was panicked. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." She mutters, realizing the window wouldn't budge.

Bringing her right arm up, (F/n) goes to swing her elbow towards the glass, but Bakugou was at her side shortly, placing a firm hand around her wrist.

"You're doing it wrong," he points out as if it was the most obvious thing, he grabs the side lock and flicks it, a small click sounds, and (F/n)'s eye's practically twinkled at the blond. He pushes the window frame towards the left and she makes a mental note to thank him later.

Placing her (s/c) hands against the windowsill she gives him a short, panicked smile. "Thanks, I'll see you later?" She was already outside the window, her feet barely grazing the ground. Bakugou grunts at her and shakes his head in disagreement, influencing in the confused glance (F/n) gives him as she drops to the ground, her bare feet making contact with the earth below them.

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