1 • Solus • 1

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1. alone or unaccompanied


  The wind against the blond boy's face made his cheeks cold and his nose numb, allowing the small rubbing of his hands to slightly warm him up. There was a soft chatter throughout the bus, but his main focus was the site of the airport coming into view and he taps his foot against the bus floor, almost in an impatient manner. It was just a small distraction to get his mind off of the intrusive thoughts plaguing his mind.

"Bakugou, bro! I'm super excited about going to America!" The shark-toothed, redhead exclaimed. A wide smile across his face as he seems to bounce in his seat. "What about you? You've been angrier than usual." Kirishima studies his friend's face, looking for any change of expression, but much to his dismay, there had not been.

The usual scowl was there, but his mood was worse. Katsuki Bakugou turns his head away from the overly-excited human rock and his gaze falls outside the window once again. "Is it about your marking? Everyone-" He cut himself off, not wanting to piss off the blond male any further. He knew better than anyone not to press on the subject.

Bakugou's gaze never leaves the window, but he gives a small, frustrated nod, followed by a disapproving grunt. "Yeah." He held back his scowl. "The soulmate is probably dead or fell in love with the wrong person because that's my fucking luck." His right hands clench into a fist and a trail of smoke escapes the small opening of his hand.

"Who needs a shitty soulmate when I'll be the best hero ever? I don't need a whiney bitch to latch onto me whenever I'm busy being the number one hero." Hell, if he was being honest, being a hero was the least of his worries at this point. He loosens his hand, allowing the muscles to relax in it as he notices that the bus has now entered the airport parking lot. Adjusting in his seat, he looks at his now, slightly concerned seatmate, and the conversation continues.

"Well, soulmate or not. You've still got us as your friends. Besides, I'm surprised you're the submissive." The redhead earned a glare from the now annoyed blond as if he was mocking him, but it was just a harmless statement. With that, nothing more was said between the two and the talking between other classmates grew up in an excited roar as the bus came began to slow down.

When the bus stopped at the front, Aizawa mumbled a few safety tips to the students and was the first off of the bus. Safety tips were; "Don't do anything stupid. I don't have time to bail any of you out." With that, the students practically ran off the bus, Iida Tenya shouting at them as they did so, and they went to the second bus to gather their things.

No-one stopped for a nanosecond to acknowledge the fact that Bakugou was moving the slowest, his head down, bag slung over his shoulder, and his suitcase at his side as he trudges his way through the airport doors.

Sure, he was just as stoked about leaving Japan for a good month or two as the rest of his classmates for their last semester ended, but he definitely would not let them know that. Of course, going to America of all places was a bit unsettling, but that was the least of his worries. His main focus was on his nonexisting Soulmate mark and he could not wrap his head around the fact that he of all people was submissive. It just didn't make much sense to him, only causing him to become angry with the Universe.

Trailing behind the rest of the group, a deep frown was set on his face, seeming as if it was permanent. The class files into a line without much complication and begin their way through the luggage check before heading towards the plane itself. Good thing they had not left too early or too late. If they had, they would either have to rush or wait, and neither of the two options was appealing to the group.

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