19 • Onslaught • 19

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a fierce or destructive attack.


There was a thick fog between the two groups and they no longer had visuals on each other thanks to (F/n)'s quirk. Said girl was on her knees, with tears spilling from her (e/c) eyes when the bullet embeds itself into Hori's shoulder. Panic filled her and (F/n) could only stare at the weakened man. The bullets the government provide the guards could kill someone no matter where they were hit. The rubber casing would explode and release a poison that killed the target in a span of thirty minutes unless the target came in contact with electricity. The bullets were only used towards hostile targets.

Thirty minutes was how long it would take for the poison to spread. If he hadn't swapped places with her, though, then the pink-haired woman would have shot (F/n) between her eyes.

Bakugou was quick to grab the other male after Hori's knees buckled. "Use your quirk to get us over the wall with the fog," Bakugou orders in a slight panic when Hori coughs and bile escapes her lips. Bright yellow veins ran up his neck before they fork off and spread across his pale face. "This is my second time being poisoned," Hori says in an attempt to lighten the horrible situation, "I guess it'll be my last."

The blond didn't know what he was talking about and he didn't know why he cared, but he doesn't have time to ask as he begins to run up the stairs that (F/n) created. He jumps down on the other side of the stone wall, his shoes dig into the gravel and his ankles burn with Hori's extra weight.

(F/n) follows behind him quickly, clutching her right arm as it quickly falls limp at her side. She doesn't stop using her quirk, allowing a wall of fog to block of the enemies from Bakugou and Hori, so they had a clear path to the door. Her bottom lip was pulled between her teeth when her arm started to hurt. She was starting to overuse her quirk once again and her body was making her pay for it gradually.

"I'll catch up later!" (F/n) calls out, not allowing Bakugou to argue as she separates them. She allows the lady from before to rush at her with the rifle. (F/n) closes her eyes and manipulates the fog into spears. "I'm sorry, but this is gonna hurt-" she flicks her fingers towards the pink-haired female, "a lot more than those fucking bullets."

Bakugou kept a comfortable grip on Hori, not allowing him to slip. "Is there a way to stop this bullshit?" Bakugou asks aggressively while he rushes down the empty hallway. There were three doors. The one they just entered, one labeled 'check in', and the other was the one that led to the cells.

Two things plagued Bakuogu's mind and he wasn't concerned with the mission anymore. What the fuck was happening with Hori and why the hell was (F/n) acting so recklessly? She could've gotten or killed and yet it was like she was acting as if she dancing through a beautiful fucking flower field that held landmines that would go off by just the vibration of her steps.

Everything about her made Bakugou uneasy. Not necessarily in a bad way, though. She was just unpredictable and Bakugou didn't know what she would do next.

"She's pretty tough," Hori quietly says and Bakugou looks slightly taken aback, letting Hori know that he was confused. The weaker male lets a laugh fall from his lips and begins to explain himself. "I can tell you're worried about her, but if Mr. Talmer couldn't beat her over the years, then I know she's able to take care of herself."

Bakugou couldn't help but scoff and he says, "shut the hell up, skunk hair. Maybe focus on not dying." Hori grins at the blond before resting his head against his chest. He could feel himself dozing off as he listens to the other male's heartbeat. It was erratic and sounded panicky.

"How the hell do I help you anyway? Is there a way to stop you from becoming god-damned Earth food?" Hori gives him a lazy nod and mumbles a string of nonsense. The only word that Bakugou could make out was 'electricity' and never had Bakugou wanted to have his dunce-faced friend around more than he had at that moment.

Bakugou finally bursts through the check-in door and in just a few short seconds, he felt relief, confusion, sadness, anger, and regret. he sees his classmates look back at him with the same expressions and feelings.

"What the fuck are you idiots doing here?" 

Aizawa, who seemed less than impressed by Bakugou's language, sighs and says, "they are saying we are under suspicion of protecting fugitives." Eraserhead shoots the lady behind the desk a glare, "but I feel like there's a much different reason."

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