24 • Lethal • 24

564 27 3

/ˈlēTHəl/ adjective
sufficient to cause death.


When the door opens, it feels like a thunderclap. The sound reverberates through the room and shakes every floor and wall in their vicinity. They realized they were no longer alone. (F/n) and Bakugou expected as much. Of course, there would be guards, but they expected more than just one man. "Weak ass quirk," Bakugou mutters and watches as the man brings his hands back up as if to clap them together.

Bakugou rushes towards the older male, keeping his body low to the floor. He doesn't have time to waste on him, so he won't give the guard enough time to use his quirk. As soon as he reaches him, he knocks him to the ground with his shoulder, hitting the man in the stomach with as much force as he can muster. "DIE!"

(F/n) steps outside of the elevator, watching the scene unfold before her. Being confident in Bakugou, she walks past the two men and heads into the main area, but the floor rumbles beneath her, causing her to teeter off balance and she falls to her knees.

She turns her head, watching as Bakuogu falls on his ass and he grunts when he hits the floor.

"Bastard!" Bakugou yells when the man slams the palms of his hands against the floor once again, causing her to raise from the floor, hitting the cold concrete below her much harder than the first time. She wrinkles her nose, pulling her eyebrows together. "Go on ahead, (F/n)! I can deal with him!" (F/n) nods, rushing off.

Bakugou looks over at where the man is steadily getting off the ground. He has dealt with bigger obstacles before, so this should be easy. Even if the man had an annoying quirk, Bakugou knew his own quirk was better and he would definitely find a way to take him down.

(F/n)'s feet carried her through the lower floor of the prison. She made sure to keep her breathing in check, not wanting to have another episode similar to the one in the elevator.

When she enters the area with the cells, a feeling of unease rolls through her and she feels nauseous.

The smell of piss and sweat wafted into her nose, causing her to cringe. It was as if the guards took more care of the actual criminals than they did the innocent. (F/n)'s ears pick up the sound of crying can be heard from somewhere further ahead so her pace quickens. The cry sounded child-like and it angered the young woman. A child?! (F/n) expected this, but to think they would actually lock a child up for something as small as having a quirk? It was ridiculous. 

She has a job to do. Even if she suddenly felt dizzy once again.

"Hey!" (F/n) calls out when she reaches the furthest cell. The only lights were the ones that lined the outside of the cells and it made it difficult to see anything past the bars. The crying continues but it stops when she approaches. (F/n) sees a young girl sitting on the concrete floor, looking down at her hands as she's curled in the corner. Her eyes were red and puffy and she looks absolutely terrified. "Are you alright?" 

"No," the girl responds in a shaky voice. "Please don't hurt me." (F/n) slowly kneels down outside of the cell beside the frightened girl. "I'm not going to hurt you," she reassures gently. "I'm here to help you." With being a bit closer to her, (F/n) could tell she couldn't be any older than eight.

"That's what the scary men said before they took everyone away. They hurt them so bad."

(F/n) frowns as she hears these words spill out of the girl's mouth. "You don't need to worry about them anymore, sweetie," The girl begins sobbing again. (F/n) takes in all of the details of the child's appearance. She looked frail, her skin pale and her hair was a mess. There was dried blood smeared along her cheekbones as well as small scrapes along the side of her face. "What's your name?"

"Hannah," Hannah finally says after a short pause. (F/n) gives a reassuring smile. "Nice to meet you, Hannah. I'm Dusk, a hero, and I'll get you out of here."

"Really? You promise?" Hannah asks hopefully. (F/n) nods firmly, "really." After making sure there are any threats waiting to ambush, (F/n) goes to open the cell door, and her eyebrows furrow when she realizes it was unlocked.

"Can you tell me what happened to the others?" (F/n) asks and steps inside of the cell. "Do you know where they took them?" Hannah nods, wiping away the tears that littered her red cheeks. "I can take you there." (F/n) didn't think much about the young girl's words and held out her hand for Hannah to take.

When the little girl takes it, (F/n) leads her out of the cell. Hannah brings up a shaky hand, pointing towards a tall, metal door. "They took them through there, hitting the ones that didn't listen." (F/n)'s gaze falls to the young girl's wrists, the lifted one and the one that was in her hand. There wasn't a quirk suppressing band. 

"DUSK!" Bakugou shouts, dropping the guard from earlier at his feet. "GET AWAY FROM HER! THIS BASTARD SAID SHE HAS A MIND CONTROL ILLUSION TYPE SHIT QUIRK!"

Hannah lets go of (F/n)'s hand, causing the older female's hand to drop to her side. "Please protect me, Miss Dusk. That man is scary." 

(F/n)'s pupils dilate, her muscles tense, and she focuses on her soulmate. Expect at that moment, Bakugou wasn't anything more than an enemy.

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