18 • Yield • 18

607 30 1

\ ˈyēld \

to surrender or submit (oneself) to another


(F/n) picks up an unconscious woman into her arms after making sure her gag and arms were secured tightly. She hops off of the ship then drops the woman onto the dirty pavement. The dress the woman wore was a beautiful blood red and even with it covered in grime, the woman still managed to look gorgeous. But no matter good she looked, (F/n) knew that the woman was truly rotten. "You should be locked up instead of them," she says in a low, and quite menacingly, voice.

"Is that the last of them?" (F/n) asks Bakugou as he roughly drops two of the crewmen and he gives her a swift nod. He was standing by her side and his fingers barely grazed hers, causing him to fluster and step away. She didn't seem to notice as she zips up her thin jacket. It was much colder on the island than on the mainland and the cold was slowly getting to her.

She grabbed both Bakugou and Hori's wrists, tugging them away from the entrance when she hears the guards conversing behind the tall, concrete wall when they begin to switch shifts. Even though they weren't inside the walls yet and everything was going according to their plan.

"Are you cold?" Bakugou suddenly asks, keeping his voice low, not wanting to accidentally alert the new guards. confusing the (h/c)-haired girl when he pulled her closer. Yes, she was cold, but now wasn't the time to worry about it. "I'll be fine," she answers back, grazing her fingers across the moss-covered walls. 

There were plenty of natural elements for her to take control of the building and she had enough seeds in her pockets to do the same inside. "Take this." The blond shoves his hoodie in her arms, slightly startling her. It would put him at a disadvantage, but what kind of Soulmate would he be if he let her freeze? She gives him a soft smile and pulls it over her body, knowing he wouldn't take it back even if she attempted to force him to. "Thanks."

Hori peeks around the side of the concrete wall before asking, "do you still have Mr. Talmer's phone?" If (F/n) hadn't thought that she would possibly need it, she would've tossed it in the sea long ago. She gives the ebony-haired male a swift nod and hands over the cracked device.

He sighs, "did he give you the password? I've only ever done this while it was unlocked." Biting at the inside of her cheek, she says, "I think it was something like 88085-" she pauses and crosses her arms with a disapproving sigh, "no, no, that wasn't it." She kicks at the gravel under her feet, silently gasping when she hears the gate open.

"Why do those rich bastards have to have a tour of this place?" A gruff voice complains, "just puts more work on us and we don't even get that extra buck!" A man that looked to be in his late forties appears with a woman who was much younger in comparison. She didn't seem to be too impressed by being paired with the chattering man and her bright pink hair stood out in the slight fog.

Her gaze was sharp as if looking out for any threats like how a hawk would from the sky. A rifle was settled in her hands and it made her look all the more intimidating. She would use it at a moment's notice and that's what terrified (F/n).

"Fuck," both Hori and Bakugou whisper. For the three of them, everything felt like it was going in slow motion. The trio had incredibly strong quirks, but would they be fast enough against two rifles? They both had bands, so at least that was one thing they didn't have to worry about.

Focusing her energy on the air around her, (F/n) could only hope she was faster than the pink-haired who had spotted the trio. She expected the weapons and she has run away from them before, but she's never had to face them head-on. Both women were quick and determined to take the other down. 

Neither of them planned to step down.

 One aimed her rifle, her finger pressing against the trigger while the other extended her arms out as if blocking the two as she gathered the fog.

But only one was faster. 

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