22 • Impromptu • 22

567 25 1


/imˈpräm(p)ˌt(y)o͞o/ adjective

done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed.


Bakugou held his breath before exhaling harshly. A man much taller and larger than the blond had landed a hit against his stomach, causing him to go into a coughing fit. "Bastard," Bakugou shouts before grabbing the man by his orange jumpsuit and slamming him back into the cell he was attempting to escape from. When Bakugou slams the door shut, he catches a glimpse of the scar that was forming on his wrist. He rolls his eyes, irritation flooding him when his mind goes to how (F/n) tried her best to heal the wound.

"What's taking her so long?!" The blond angrily says, finally knocking the guy out. Midoriya turns to him while stuffing another guy in the cell beside the large man's. "Should one of us help her?" Help her? (F/n) wouldn't accept help from anyone even if it meant her life was on the line. "You saw she was, Deku. I don't think helping her is the best idea!" Ochako says, pinning someone to the ground with their arms behind their back.

"She'll tear you to shreds, dumbass. I don't think she's 'in the mood' for help." As soon as the words leave Bakugou's lips, someone pulls him into a headlock, cutting off his airway. Was he not allowed to catch his fucking breath? Midoriya runs towards him, jumps, and allows his foot to collide with the side of the attacker's head. Bakugou stumbles forward, inhaling as much air as he could.

"You need to focus, Kacchan!" Said blond clicked his tongue at Midoriya before rolling his eyes.

"I've never been more focused in my life!"

(F/n) was once again running down the halls of the prison. Hori once again used his quirk to slip away from her and she felt absolutely blinded with rage. I'm going to fucking kill him. She thinks to herself. Son of a bitch is just like them. How stupid am I to not realize that?

"(F/n)! He went in here!" A familiar voice exclaims and she turns to look down a hall that led to a cafeteria. Bakugou stood at the other end of the room and he looked pretty beat up. A black eye and a cut lip decorated his face, but that didn't matter to her at the moment. Maybe if she wasn't on the verge of wanting the building to collapse, then she would've cared, but she didn't. Why the hell didn't he listen to me? This makes (F/n)'s eye twitch.

"You idiot! I told you to deal with the prisoners. What the hell are you doing down here?" (F/n) was standing a few feet from him, ready to go on a long rant on why he should be listening to her instead of going off on his own.

"I wanted to make sure you were safe, dumbass!" The blond rolled up his sleeves as he looks into the kitchen and (F/n) instinctively went to check his arms for any cuts and bruises, but to her relief, he was completely fine and his skin was clear from any blemishes minus the ones on his face. Wait a fucking second. She eyes his wrist, the one that he had the band on, and just like she expected, the scarring rash was gone. "Are you even listening to me?"

She grabs his wrist and he tries to pull away from her, confusion and shock fill his red eyes. "I'm glad your wrist has healed. I was starting to worry that it would get infected."

With wide eyes, Bakugou nods along with her words. "It must've healed on the way here?" He attempted to reason with her. But the man that was impersonating her Soulmate was clueless to the scar that was on the real blond's wrist. An irritated laugh slips through (F/n)'s lips, but gives him a happy grin, "I'm so glad that you're-" she tightens her grip around his wrist, snapping the bone, "a moron."

Hori felt his knees give out under him due to the overwhelming pain. Blond hair quickly turns black, starting from the roots, and Hori's facial features change to his own. "Maybe with a little practice, you could've fooled me. So, if you ever get a second chance, make sure you plan ahead of time and I might be a bit nicer to you."

"Please. I wouldn't even give you a second chance. After everyone's free, we'll make sure you're six feet under. And once you're gone, we'll go after the people you care about the most. From your family, your friends, and that useless mutt you call a Soulmat-" with enough force that caused the floor beneath them to tremble, she pulls him towards her and a stomach-churning scream leaves his lips.

It felt as if time had frozen for the ebony-haired male. Hori's body immediately flashed from hot to cold in a repeated cycle as he was burning with unbearable pain. (F/n)'s foot was against his now shattered knee and his arm was now out of the socket.

(F/n) uses her free hand to cradle his chin in her hand. Tears decorated his paling skin and small gasps left his pink lips. "I don't care what you do to me, but..." She moves her face closer to his, "if you go near any one of them, I'll break every. single. bone. in your body and leave you for the birds to pick up what's left," her lips were next to his ringing ears, but Hori heard every word that left her lips, "do. you. understand. me?"

Hori's body was shaking and parts of him ached that had never ached before. "Do you?" He finally looked into her eyes and noticed how much darker they looked. He knew she was serious. Is this how Talmer felt when he was finally defeated? If so, it was painful and humiliating.

"I-I understand."

(F/n) finally pulls away and her expression softens. "Good boy." She pats his head as if he was a dog, "I'm going to need you to sleep for a while, okay?" "Wha-" Before Hori could finish, (F/n) had already knocked him out and he slumps forward. "You should feel better once you wake up."

"Why'd you have to be so difficult?" She mutters out loud and scopes him up. "We could've been great friends if you weren't like this." 

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