8 • Ennui • 8

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ˌän-ˈwē noun

- a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction : BOREDOM

warning :)  mentions of drugs and slight usage
This is also a filler <3


Time seemed to crawl by slowly. It felt as if weeks have passed yet it had only been three days and two nights. It annoyed Bakugou more than the other two, yet there wasn't much he could do about it. All he could do was overthink everything, help Hazel with dinner, and a few other things.

Much to (F/n)'s surprise, Bakugou was a pretty decent cook and that was one thing she could check off of her list. Maybe having the hot-tempered blond as her soulmate wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be.

The (s/c) skinned girl was humming a small, happy tone as she exercised her quirk in her friend's basement, hoping to overcome the numbness that spread through her limbs while she revived the marijuana plants. "(L/n)?" Bakugou questions when he leaves the stairs and begins to walk up to her. (F/n) turns her head to look at the blond and she smiles when she notices a plate of cookies in one hand and a glass of ice water in the other. "These are for you."

"Hey, hun," she replies and her (e/c) eyes study him for a moment, noticing how he looks over at the plants with a confused scowl. "What flower is that?" Why has she been down here for the last few hours? Was it that important that it had to be hidden?

The girl held back a chuckle, but only shakes her head. "They're not a flower." She motions for him to sit down on a cozy, brown couch and he takes a seat after placing the plate on the gold-trimmed coffee table and sitting the ice water on a gold coaster.

Bakugou notices an oddly shaped vase with an extended bit on the side and a little cup sits perfectly in the hole. It has iridescent colors swirled in it; pink, blue, yellow, and white. A metal tray with a stack of thin, white paper sat in the middle with a lighter, and a glass bowl sat to the side with a matching lid. Bakugou noticed that it contained small, green plants that looked strangely familiar, but he couldn't place it.

"Thanks for the snack, hun," (F/n) bites into the cookie and smiles thoughtfully at the blond. Bakugou couldn't help but feel fuzzy inside and it almost made him angry since he couldn't quite understand the sensation, yet he liked the way his stomach rippled with butterflies. "It's really good." And there was that feeling again.

He watches as she gets up and moves to a black shoe shelf that contains plastic containers with the same greenery. (F/n) categorizes them, putting some in baggies and writing what he assumed to be names for the plants on the front of them with a black sharpie.

That's when Bakugou realized what it was. Weed. Kaminari had bought some and passed it in their circle during a thunderstorm. Much to everyone's surprise, Bakugou had agreed to it on his own. Though he took one hit from the blunt, he felt as if he had an out-of-body experience. None of them were caught due to passing out an hour later.

Bakugou couldn't help but widen his eyes at the amount in the room. He knew how much it was priced for and he realized that Hazel was sitting on a gold mine.

"Are you alright?" (F/n) questions and sits down beside the boy. "I see you've figured it out." She takes a sip of the ice water and grins at him as she swallows it, "now that you know, I'd be careful when Hazel offers handmade candies and other sweets."

Bakugou couldn't help but chuckle at the thought and he leans back into the soft, brown cushions of the couch and looks over at her. "You speak as if you've experienced it." She gives him a side glance before setting the glass in its original spot and she nods at him and his lips turn up into a smile.

"And I have." She begins doing an impression of the ginger that was out doing some more last-minute shopping, "just because it tastes a little off, doesn't mean I'm a bad cook." She finishes half of a second cookie and hands him the other.

Bakugou grimaces at the half-eaten baked good and scuffs. "You've already bitten off of it, idiot. I'll just grab another-" (F/n) shoves it in his mouth mid-sentence and watches as his face flushes a deep crimson before grumpily chewing it. "What the hell was that for?" He asked in-between bites and (F/n) just shrugs before leaning against the arm of the couch to face him with her legs extended across it. "Don't talk with your mouth full, hun."

Grabbing her feet, he places them on his lap, only grumbling during the short process, but he truly did not mind it. "How's the marking?" Bakugou forgot that he told her about the weird side effect that happened the night he met her. Though she didn't have an answer, she agreed to look more into it.

Bakugou leans forward, holding her legs as to not let them fall, and grabs the water, taking a sip before sitting it back down. The ice clinked against the sides as it settles. He gets comfortable once again and turns his attention towards her, "it doesn't hurt," he responds and a small smile appears across the (e/c) eyed girl's lips. "But it does feel off." Her smile falters for a moment, but she hums thoughtfully before letting out a yawn.

"Well, I promise to find out what the issue is. I'll ask my moms and see if they know anything, if not, we'll find out ourselves." She holds her pinky up, tilting her head, and grins when he connects his to hers. "Promise."

It was Bakugou's turn to yawn, (F/n) follows shortly after and moves to get up, "Want to take a nap with me?" Embarrassed blush coats the tips of his ears and he nods, not saying anything. They move upstairs, forgetting the cookies and water, and they settle in the guest bedroom after pulling the curtains closed.

He looks to the side, avoiding eye contact when he adjusts his position, laying down, and pulls her on top of him. She gasps softly when she's laying against his chest and hums as she listens to the sound of his heartbeat.

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