7 • Tangible • 7

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ˈtændʒəbəl Adjective

  1. that can be touched or felt by touch


Bakugou could only complain. How had his life come to flying through the air with his supposedly villainous soulmate before crashing to the ground to his supposed death? Whatever was the cause of this, he was sure to get back at, but for now, he had to carry the limp girl once again while taking directions from her.

It seemed like an awful tour through the worst parts of whatever state they were in as (F/n) pointed out places she'd been, yet wouldn't recommend. All Bakugou could remember was that they went south. Hell, they could've gone north for all he knew.

"Where exactly are we going?" Whether Bakugou cared or not was beyond him, yet his curiosity was getting the better of him. (F/n) only mumbled out more directions, ignoring him completely. "Tch," he replied but followed her every word without complaining any further.

They went like this for the next two and a half hours on foot, not bothering to take a piss or water break.

"We're here," (F/n) was now walking even if her body disagreed, and she knocked on a window that was to the far left. Bakugou examined the building in front of him, taking in the sight of how old the place looked. It had a certain aura about it that made it feel welcoming, but if one were to glance at it, they'd assume it was rundown.

The door between the two swung open with such force that Bakugou was sure it would've broken off the hinges or went through the wall that it ricocheted off of. There stood a girl with ginger hair and striking green eyes, but the excited expression that she had moments ago was replaced by a skeptical one.

"Now, who the hell are you?" A hand was on her hip and she was glaring down at the blond from inside of the doorway. She had a southern, North American accent. So we did go south. Bakugou noticed there wasn't a band around her wrist. She's quirkless? Or perhaps she was like his soulmate?

"Hazel, this is Bakugou. Bakugou this is Hazel." (F/n) introduces the two before walking into the building with an unimpressed groan. "Give his wallet back, damn it." (F/n) pulls the wallet from the other girl's hand and tosses it to the blond.

"She took my fucking wallet? What bullshit quirk- " Bakugou's temper tantrum was cut short rather quickly when his soulmate turned around, giving him a look as if telling him to shut up.

He walks in behind her with a sour look on his face, kicking his shoes off at the entrance, and Hazel shuts the door before swiftly locking it. "No matter how abandoned this place may seem, there's usually someone trying to lurk in the woods," the ginger informs and leads the two into the lounge area.

A kitchen was to their far left, a bar was the only thing separating the two rooms, and to their right was a short hallway that contained three doors.

The two couches were black and lined with silver, the throw pillows matching with silver buttons sewn in the middle, and the recliner that sat against the wall sported the same look. There was a plush, black carpet that had a silver coffee table in the middle of it with a vine-like plant, that looked partially dead, settled on the center. A bookshelf lined the wall straight ahead and the other walls were decorated with shelves, allowing plants and other trinkets to rest, and television was mounted in a far corner next to the front door. The curtains were a silver satin and they were pulled shut as to not allow people to peek in.

Bakugou thought about how much nicer the place looked on the inside compared to the outside and he had to admit that he was a bit impressed by the interior design, even if he didn't verbally express it.

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