10 • Recalcitrant • 10

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ri-ˈkal-sə-trənt / Adjective

1: obstinately defiant of authority or restraint


(F/n) was crouched behind a brick wall that separated her and Bakugou from whoever just shot at them. Of course, being in the south didn't help since just about everyone was trigger happy. But if someone had a quirk, according to the government, it was fair game and there wasn't anything anyone could do about it. 'Shoot them whether they're dangerous or not.' That was the puppet's only thought process.

"Do you ever think before charging into danger?" Bakugou practically scolds the woman, and she snorts before shaking her head. Yes, his words were hypocritical, but there wasn't anyone to call him out for it. "Not when I'm getting shot at. I just go." (F/n) placed her hand on the ground, yet beneath her fingertips was concrete and she slammed her fist against it as frustration filled her.

"Fucking damn it!" She shouts, causing the skin to break on her knuckles as she continuously hits the barrier. Bakugou grabs her arm, stopping her, and places his hand against the ground and says, "I've got this." (F/n) watches as it quickly turns to rubble under his hands as an explosion fires from his palm. 

She presses her fingers into the exposed soil and the earth trembles, a much bigger and sturdier wall forms, separating them from their attacker now and they're able to get away quickly.

"This is getting ridiculous," (F/n) mutters, exhaling a deep breath through her nose, "if I knew overthrowing a corrupt government would be so exhausting, I would take the day off." Bakugou looks at her, clearly confused and debating if she was serious or not. Did she actually not know- "I'm kidding, hun."

They finally make it to the city, pulling their face masks over their nose, and (F/n) looks around for anyone with a government badge. Her search comes to a quick end when an extremely tall building catches her eye. "That must be where-" she pulls out her phone and swipes through dozens of profiles before stopping at a man with yellow eyes, black hair decorated with grey streaks, and a good amount of stubble covering his chin, "Nicholas Talmer is located."

"Will he help us?" Bakugou questions and follows behind her as she advances towards the building with a confident stride. She laughs under her breath and shakes her head.

"He will if we make him," she whispers and he gives her a knowing look. She glances, noticing that there are cameras in just about every corner outside of the building. She silently curses to herself and turns right to go in the next shop over. "Let me find out which floor he's on. That'll make this easier."

Bakugou's eyes wander back outside, leaving (F/n) to her research. He watches as a man, who looks strikingly similar to the picture he saw, leaves the building with two security guards. "Or we could just follow him." He nudges her arm to get her attention, pointing in the direction as he does so.

"Good idea." She grabs two water bottles, pays for them, and leaves the store. "Here," she motions for him to take it and he does. "We'll need to stay hydrated for this." Bakugou pulls his mask down and sips at the water, allowing it to slide down his throat. He felt refreshed after all the running she's put him through since they left Hazel's.

(F/n)'s face wasn't well known, but she didn't want to risk being noticed. With that in mind, she made sure the two of them were running most of the time.

They kept their distance away from the target. It seemed like Talmer decided to just window shop for the day as they followed him for thirty minutes. They would go into a different shop as to not make the man suspicious. At least, she'd hope that the plan would work.

Finally, the three ahead of them went into a small building. (F/n) inhales sharply and curses under her breath. "This is bad," she whispers and leans against the cold brick. Bakugou checks his surroundings before relaxing beside her. "He knows we're following him."

"He what?" Bakugou straightens his posture and stares directly at her, his red eyes practically piercing through her.

She nods, biting at her tongue. "It's either that or he's just being cautious. This building is typically used for protection. It's like a vault of sorts. I don't know how it works, but we need to be careful if we enter." She shoves her hands in her pockets and leans further into the wall as if she wanted to mold with it.

"There won't be any need for that," a deep, gruff voice explains, clearly displeased as if he had something better to do. (F/n) could practically feel Bakugou tense up at the sight of Talmer standing there. Something was off. "What have I done to earn the pleasure of meeting you, Miss Dusk."

There it was.

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