20 • Ulterior • 20

568 31 3


/əlˈtirēər/ adjectiveexisting beyond what is obvious or admitted; intentionally hidden.


Kimberly and Jason. Those are the names of the two guards that (F/n) successfully took down moments ago. She thought she would at least remember their names since they put up a good enough fight.

The air around her was much colder than she wanted it to be and her head felt as if it floating atop the clouds. Her bottom lip was pulled between her teeth and tears gathered at the corners of her eyes.

(F/n)'s left-hand slides across her clothed hip and watches as the fabric was now stained with dark red blood. There was a clean slice through the skin that was made by Jason's knife. Her left arm and hand were numb, so it made sense that she couldn't feel the new, agonizing pain.

"Stupid," she mutters when she watches her veins turn the same ugly, electric yellow that the bullets caused. "Stupid!" Her voice was much louder than before and she moves towards the entrance. How could she have let him get close enough to her? Was it because she was too distracted by Kimberly? That had to be it, but there was only one word she could repeat, "STUPID!" She was angry with herself. That much was obvious.

(F/n) rushes into the building in a slight panic. She knows she doesn't have much time until the poison spreads. She looks around the hall, wondering which door Bakugou and Hori would've gone through and she quickly goes with her gut feeling.

She shoves her way through the 'Check In' door, hoping her Soulmate is on the other side. She lets out a steady breath when she sees Bakugou standing there. No matter how frustrated and angry he looked, she was grateful that he was there at that moment.

"I need electricity," she groans out and leans against the wall. Hori didn't look much better than she did. If anything, he looked significantly worse while a boy with green hair kept reassuring him that everything would be okay. The receptionist was tied up - probably thanks to Bakugou's handy work- and knocked out, making (F/n)'s job much easier.

"I can be your electricity, babe," a blond boy with a black bolt in his hair says, giving her a cheeky wink and she knits her eyebrows together. A small string of electricity spins around his index finger and throughout his hand. "Help that dumbass first." (F/n) gestures towards Hori. No matter how much she wanted the pain to end, she knew Hori would be suffering much more than she was. "He has," Bakugou explains grabs (F/n)'s injured hand, careful not to hurt her, "he'll most likely be fine, but you look like shit, so let dunce-face do the work."

(F/n) slips her arm out of her sweater sleeve and Kaminari immediately presses his palms against her (s/c) skin. 

No, Bakugou didn't want the idiot to touch his Soulmate, but (F/n) would die if Kaminari didn't do something, so he stayed silent and watched as his friend shocked his Soulmate.

(F/n) didn't flinch too much and she didn't seem too fazed by the electricity running through her hand and arm. She did, however, inhale deeply right before he sent the shocks through her body.

While Kaminari was 'curing' (F/n), Bakugou turns to help Hori off of the floor since Hori should be healed enough to go along with the plan or at least help Bakuogu's classmates onto the ship, but he's met with empty space. He clicks his tongue and looks around the room before asking, "Did anyone see where the skunk went?"

Everyone else in the room looks at each other while shaking their heads except for Midoriya. "Yeah," he speaks up, causing everyone to look over at him, "he left out that door-" He points to the door that they entered through not too long ago, "and kept apologizing to me, saying something like 'it was never going to work out.' 'They'll be free soon.' He looked well enough to leave and since he was with you, Kacchan, I let go." 

Bakugou rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs deeply. "The bastard wasn't on our side, (F/n)."

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