4 • Lethargy • 4

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/ˈleTHərjē/ noun
    1. a lack of energy and enthusiasm.


  "What the hell is this, Bakugou?" Aizawa mutters as his tired eyes fall on the girl who was securely held in the blonde boy's arms. Before he can utter an excuse, the girl coughs, catching Katsuki by surprise. She hadn't made a single noise on their way here, so it was an improvement, to say the least.

"You shouldn't bring strangers to your room while you're in a foreign country." Katsuki wasn't paying attention to the older male, his mind on the paralyzed girl. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her. Her head laid perfectly against his chest while he held her with care. There was something about her that he couldn't wrap his mind around and he wants to find out as soon as possible.

"What room should I put her in?" He seemed a bit calmer than usual. It may have been the lack of his quirk, but it was nice.

"She'll be fine on the couch." Eraserhead didn't have enough energy to argue with the stubborn student. He just wanted to go and rest for the night. Katsuki gives him a swift nod before looking around, "where's the rest of those damned idiots at?" He didn't care, he didn't want them to bother the girl.

Aizawa ignores the question. "Just make sure you keep an eye on her. I don't want her to cause trouble."

The not-so explosive boy let out a short laugh. "That shouldn't be a problem, her whole body seems to be numb." This seemed to catch Aizawa's attention. Katsuki walks bast the older man, the girl's feet barely grazing Aizawa's arm. Placing her on the couch, Katsuki grabs one of the throw pillows from the chair closest to him and places it under her head.

"There," he speaks, his voice just barely above a whisper, "maybe when you get back to normal, you can explain that dumbass move you pulled at the park." A small hum leaves her throat and his face darkens. Why the hell am I so fucking flustered? He thinks and turns his attention back to Aizawa.

"They're upstairs watching a movie," he explains, grabbing the back of the couch, peering at the girl who was now staring up at him. "Nice to meet you, I'm Aizawa Shota," the tired man explains, giving her a brief nod. He inspected both of her wrists for a band, but to his surprise, he didn't find one. His eyes interrogated the poor girl who could only look at him before turning her gaze to the ceiling, finding it much less uncomfortable.

Katsuki's gaze trials down the girl's body, catching sight of light scratches on the exposed part of her skin and a few cuts along the way. "I'll take her bag to my room," he murmured and turned around, ready to leave to his assigned room. "Take her with you, Bakugou. I don't want the others to bother her while she recovers."

The blonde only grunts, complying with his teacher's arrangements.

Once he enters his room, he places down the delicate girl on the plush, light blue duvet. He made sure her head was against the white pillow. "As much as I hate to," he starts, catching her attention, "I'll probably be the one to bandage you."

Katsuki looks at her dirty clothes, a small grimace on his face. "You'll have to dress and wash once you've recovered, but I'll clean what I can." She hums at him once again and he scuffs at her. "Dumbass," he snorts and retrieves a first aid kit and a wet rag, making sure to shut his door.

"Look, if I make you uncomfortable, make a noise or some shit." She stays quiet and just looks at him. Managing to give him a small smile, he only tch's at the action "Don't fucking do that." A giggle escapes her throat and he gazes at her.

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