12 • Minor • 12

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/ˈmīnər/ adjective

1. lesser in importance, seriousness, or significance.


Bakugou fished around in his bag for a flashlight, silently thanking (F/n) for telling him to pack one because he couldn't always rely on his quirk. He presses himself against one of the stone walls and turns the light on before sweeping it across the room, illuminating his path.

His shoes softly click against the floor as he peeks behind columns and he jumps when his shadow moves with him. The blond rolls his eyes at his childish act, but he glares down at the floor, realizing that something was off. Why was his shadow there in the first place? The light was ahead of him and it was the only one in the room, so there wasn't any reason for it to be there. He takes a step back and the shadow moves with him.

"It's too bad you noticed, Sidekick. It was truly fun to see your clueless expressions," The shadow raises from the ground, taking the form of Talmer and Bakugou immediately takes a battle stance, keeping the flashlight aimed at the older man. Bakugou noticed that Talmer's hair didn't have the grey streaks and his eyes seemed darker and he knew that this wasn't the same man as before. He leaves his right hand free, ready to use his quirk. Talmer rushes towards the blond, making the distance between them close and Bakugou extends his arm out, letting an explosion escape his hand. 

With the close range, Bakugou was able to successfully hit the man. "Who are you? You're not the old man from earlier!" The part the explosion hit created a crater in the other male's chest, but he didn't seem fazed. He only laughed, charged towards Bakugou once more, and jumped back into the light of the flashlight before jumping out quickly. Though, this time, he's taken the form of (F/n) in her 'undercover' outfit.

Bakugou takes a step back.

"I thought we were partners," They say, the voice was the same as (F/n)'s and it made Bakugou uncomfortable, yet he composes himself before dropping the flashlight to the ground and readies himself for an attack, "are you really going to blow me up into tiny little bits?"


The elevator door slides open painfully slow and the (h/c)-haired girl steps into the room and she's greeted with the sight of Talmer's hunched over form, his back turned towards her as he looks up at giant screens, and he types hurriedly on a keyboard.

(F/n) shoves her hand into her pocket and pulls out the seeds, dropping one into her hand. She takes a deep breath to steady herself and she walks closer to Talmer. The male doesn't bother turning around, thinking it's one of his bodyguards. "Report," he mutters as he continues to type away. She grins under the mask and places her free hand on the tall man's shoulder. "Still alive, asshole."

She pulls Talmer towards her before throwing him against the floor harshly. "Tell me where it is and how to get access to it you piece of shit," (F/n) places her foot on Talmer's hand and puts most of her weight against it. He doesn't say anything. Instead, he lays on the ground with wide, yellow eyes.

"For every second you don't tell me, I'll break a bone." And she does, she quickly breaks two of his fingers. One for not answering her and the other for wasting her time. He doesn't cry out or beg for her to stop- instead- a single tear falls from his eye when the sudden pain travels through him. "You look pathetic and small like this, Nicholas. Just tell me where the prison is and this will be over with."

With her quirk, she allows the seed to sprout. It splits open with a soft crack, roots form, and it quickly turns into a long vine. She spins the roots around her fingers, allowing her to get a better grip on the growing plant. The leaves turn heavy and the vines become thick. It extends, wraps itself around Talmer's wrists, and she lifts him up to hang him from one of the railings that stretched across the ceiling. (F/n) couldn't feel her left shoulder anymore and she grimaces at the numbness.

"Why are you so persistent? Do you want to be strung up with your own vines and put on display in a museum for people like me to wonder how such a beautiful quirk fell upon such a dumb girl?" The vines squeeze themselves around his wrists and he winces when the bone in the left one breaks. "You could've joined us, but you choose to be something much smaller and useless. Something so ridiculous that- fuck!" She breaks his other wrist and growls under her breath. She would rather be strung up than humiliate herself by joining the government. "Don't tell me you actually want to save other useless people!"

"Just tell me where the prison is!" (F/n) was getting impatient and drops him, one of his ankles breaking at the impact. Murder wasn't something she did, but when she catches a flash of his cocky expression, she wanted to use her bare hands as he drew his last breath.

Talmer's eyes start drooping when his previous adrenaline starts fading away into nothing. He mutters a string of incoherent words to himself and (F/n) crouches down, smacks his cheek in an attempt to make him more alert, "repeat that. I didn't quite catch what you said."

"Eight, zero, zero, eight, one, three, five. For 'm phone," he manages to say a bit louder before going unconscious.

(F/n) immediately starts searching through his pockets with an accomplished grin. Did she feel guilty for breaking his bones? No. It wasn't the worst thing she's done to get information. But she wished he had put up a much better fight like he had done when she first started going after the government. He was a better fighter and his quirk was fascinating to watch when she wasn't on the receiving end.

She pulls out the device and flips it open to put the password in, but her fingers refused to move when her eyes catch the sight of the screens. It was obviously for the security cameras that lined the town, but there was one that belonged to a dark room.

Every now and again, a spark of light would pass by the camera's view and she reads the name. "Floor two," she murmurs to herself, "I wonder what Bakugou is doing. Talmer was down here." Swallowing harshly, she pockets the phone securely and moves the mouse to enlarge it.

Just before she can, the section is replaced by an error screen, and has to stop herself from rolling her eyes. "Of course, he'd end up breaking the camera," she calls out to Talmer who was unaware of everything. He was unconscious after all.

The room started shaking when she waltzed towards the elevator and she stops her movement to glance back at Talmer to check if he had woken up. When she realized he hadn't, she presses the button to leave the room.

Bakugou panted as he was thrown into another wall. He couldn't tell how big or small the room was, but he guessed it was about the size of a parking garage. He could feel how the breath was taken from his lungs suddenly and his head was spinning. He had completely misjudged the enemy's strength and though they kept changing into a different person, he knew he was going up against one person. The click of his shoes, well the enemy's shoes, quickly advanced in his direction and he places his hand against the floor. The enemy had shifted into him minutes before and they used his own quirk against him just to send the blond into the, now crumbling, walls.

His -their- fingers wrap themselves around his neck, cutting off any air that dared to enter his lungs. With a hazy mind, he releases his quirk, and the concrete floor rumbles and breaks beneath them. The hand retracts from his throat and he takes in as much air as possible, but it only seemed counterproductive because when he hit the floor of the next room, his breath- once again- leaves him.

"Bakugou? And.... Bakugou?"

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