25 • Sabotage • 25

553 25 3


/ˈsabəˌtäZH/ verb

1. deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something)


Bakugou clenches his jaw, he didn't want to have to fight (F/n), but as of right now, there wasn't any way around it. He mutters an apology under his breath, as (F/n) darts towards him. The way she moved almost scared the young hero as he's never seen her move so fast. The speed he witnessed was nothing compared to now and he doesn't have time to dodge her fist.

Facing his palm towards the ground, he throws himself into the air with an explosion, making sure it doesn't hit (F/n) in the process. Vines wrap around the woman's left hand and she grabs them with her right, twisting them into a lasso, before swinging them into the air. Before Bakugou can release another explosion, they wrap around his foot, bringing him to the ground.

When he collides with the ground, the cement breaks around him and he finds himself struggling for air. (F/n)'s above him in a split second, slamming her foot into his stomach. Letting out a violent cough, blood falls from the blond male's lips and he wipes it away aggressively with the back of his hand.

All he had to do was make her overuse her quirk. She steps on his free hand, rubbing the heel of her shoe into his palm, causing him to cry out. Her other foot makes contact with his head harshly. (F/n)'s blank eyes look down at him, almost mocking him for being so weak and pathetic. Make her overuse her quirk. Bringing up his free arm, he ignores the shaky pain and grabs her leg, slamming her down beside him. Bakugou stands before she can. All these non-stop fights and his body was screaming in pain, telling him to stop over and over again, but he couldn't.

He has to save these people. He HAS to save these people. He has to save THESE people? No. He has to save HER.

There were heroes in this building that can get the job down just as quickly as he can and he had enough faith in them to know that they would succeed.

"(F/n), you're a fucking idiot sometimes," Bakugou says as he watches her stunned expression as she stands once more. Her head was hung down and vines grow from her hands once more as she glances up at him through her lashes. Not letting her pull the same move from before, Bakugou launches himself into the air again, but the vines continue to miss him and regrow as he dodges her attempts.

"There's no escaping her! She's stronger than she lets on to be!" Hannah taunts, giggling at the scene before her. Her eyes were lit up in sadistic glee. Bakugou doesn't take his eyes off (F/n), but now that he knew that the little bitch was still there, he would just have to knock her out instead of hurting his soulmate.

A vine flies through the air, slicing his cheek and impaling the wall behind him. Using that same vine, (F/n) pulls herself into the air, and throws herself in Bakugou's direction. The vine in her left-hand wraps around one of the bars on the high ceiling, allowing her to swing toward Bakugou.

Acting as if she was moving right, Bakugou dodges, moving opposite of her, but she changes direction just as quickly, spinning and using the added movement to send another kick into his stomach. The power from the kick sends him into the wall and his eyes widen, blood falling from his lips once more. Yet this time he found it much harder to breathe than before. His hands burned from using his quirk so much and his lungs struggled to gather air. Fuck. He thinks as he tries to lift his arms, but they barely moved.

(F/n) was headed his way, but he couldn't move. The only option would be to release an explosion so powerful that it would not only send her through the opposite wall, but it would also kill her. "That's not going to fucking happen," he angrily shouts, pointing his hand towards the ground where Hannah was watching with an amused grin. Bakugou barely moves his head in time as (F/n)'s fist comes barreling towards his face and her hand gets stuck in the wall. He releases the explosion below them, focusing on its strength of it as pure rage filters through his body.

There wasn't anywhere to go. Releasing her quirk, Hannah looks up at the ball of flame, the grin gone since no matter what direction she went, she knew she would die. "I guess it's over now," she whispers to herself, "took it long enough."

An arm wraps around her waist, her body and one heavier than hers enter one of the cells and a wall of vines surrounds them. Hannah's eyes widen, "but I released my quirk. Why did you save me?" Confusion was the only thing Hannah could feel. She used this woman as a puppet yet she still saved her.

(F/n)'s once dull eyes were dark and she lets go of Hannah before saying, "because you deserve to be locked away where the only voices you can hear are the ones you made up." (F/n) winces at the burns on her back. "You're lucky. I was tempted to let them scrape your remains off the floor, but you're a child and there's still time for you to think about the shit you've done."

The heat from outside the wall eventually melts the vines and (F/n) backs away from the young girl and goes to exit the cell, "I'll have someone come get you." (F/n) jams the door shut, before wiggling it as to make sure there wasn't any way that Hannah would be able to get out.

"Thank-" "Don't thank me. Pull that shit again, and I'll be the one to kill you." The words send a shiver down Hannah's spine and she could've sworn she could see a dark aura envelope (F/n)'s figure. "Now," Dusk turns to glare down at the younger girl, "they went through there, correct?" The woman was pointing to the door that Hannah almost took her through earlier.

Hannah shakes her head as she crosses her legs beneath her and she lays her hands in her lap.  "I was supposed to take over you and kill you there. They took them outside, but I don't know if they'll be alive by the time you make it there."

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