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This chapter was the just a speed run though of all the background info I just came up with LMAO


Sunoo wanted to see sunghoon. Badly. He wanted to hug him and tell sunghoon how much he loves him. But fate didn't want that happening. Instead fate wanted him in America. And that's exactly where he was right now. 15hours away from sunghoon and his friends whom he misses dearly.

The wedding was still a week away, but Sunoo figured out that his dad had invited ni-kis parents to the wedding.

Unlike his parents who were flying to America for it, ni-ki was staying home and watching it. Live. That meant jungwon and heeseung watching and possibly sunghoon.

Today Sunoo was supposed meet his bride. For the second time ever, the first time they met was in elementary school, when Sunoo didn't know she was his future bride.

But from what her heard of, his future bride was lesbian. And had a girlfriend, she hated this arrangement. Sunoo liked this girl already.

Sunoo was never interested in his fathers work, he owned some business and claimed that through marriage he will be more successful.

Sunoo hated his dad for that, of course money and success came before happiness and love in his fathers eyes.

After sunoos mother died 5years ago, his father lost his sense of love and compassion. He didn't support the fact that Sunoo was gay through him out of the house for it.

Sunoo was lying down in his hotel room watching tv when a knock was at the door.

The girl standing before him was beautiful, even coming from a gay guy. She had short blonde hair and sunoo could  feel her intense gaze on him through her glasses.

"Come in"

Her name was Shin Ryujin, currently 22 (FAKE FOR THE STORY) and she lived in Korea with her girlfriend. She almost had the same story as me, her mom was abusive to her so she moved to Korea and met her girlfriend lia.

"I met lia when I was 19... I know she was the from the start, but she had a boyfriend at that time. I befriended her and I watched her fall out of love and break up only to fall in love with me..."

"It was hard leaving her, I promised to come back to her no matter what."

"Ryujin I'm so sorry-"

"No, it's ok. How about you? What's sunghoon like?"

"Sunghoons pretty quiet, he can be chaotic at times. We only couple months ago but every day felt amazing. We were just friends but he confessed to me. Knowing I was getting married soon I rejected him." Sunoo was teary eyed. Thinking about sunghoon made his chest hurt. He grabbed a pillow next to him and sighed.

"He saw me at the airport for the last time, and I couldn't explain everything before I had to leave. I told him I loved him for the last time and I left him. Just like that"

"I miss him so fucking much."

Sunoo wiped his tears, realizing his reality. He picked up his head and was surprised to see ryunjin crying next to him.

"Sunoo we're gonna do something about this wedding whether you like it or not"


STAN ITZY RYUJIN QUEEN,, also thanks for 5k reads ily all!!

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