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Sunghoon knew this was going to happen.  He was sitting on the front steps, the loud music booming behind him. Sunghoon had promised to stay at the party for at least an hour before Sunoo would give his phone back. Sunoo had also promised the older that he was going to have fun. And yet here he was, and Sunoo wasn't even there with him. Sunghoon sighed, he had secretly hoped he would have fun today.

"Hello?" Sunghoon spun around to the voice.

"Uh hey"

"Why aren't you inside?"

"I'm bored."

"Then why don't you go home?"

"Long story."

"Well go ahead." The boy said sitting down next to him.

It turned out the boy was Sunoo's best friend, ni-ki. And apparently Sunoo had told ni-ki all about sunghoon. Sunghoon was suprised when the boy even knew his birthday.

"What the heck? How did you know that?"

"Well isn't that your password? 1208?"

"Oh." Sunghoon paused and turns to face ni-ki

"Did he look through my phone?"

"Of course-" ni-ki covered his mouth.

"Sunoo hyung is gonna kill me."

"It's ok, I'll tell him I made you. Now what did he do?" Sunghoon said covering his head in embarrassment. 

"Nothing bad, he only looked through your pictures. He kept on saying how handsome you were." Sunghoon lifted his head blushing harder.

"Thank you ni-ki, I won't tell him you told me."

"W-where are you going hyung?"

"I have a phone to get back and a party to crash."


Haha that was short idk bye

My little sunshine// sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now