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"I see him! I see him!!" Ni-ki screamed like he was a child again. He ran through the crowd of people and jumped in sunoos hug.

Heeseung watched as sunoo and ni-ki walked up to them.

"Heeseungie hyung."

"Come here you little rascal" sunoo ran into heeseungs embrace.

"Where jungwon?"

"He's with sunghoon."

Sunoo took a drop breath.

"You ready?"

"Lets go"

It was all set up, even the staff knew about the surprise, sunoo was changing into a suit in the bathroom. Ni-ki had to really quickly buy flowers from the nearby flower shop, heeseung was trying to get sunghoon to eat something while jungwon and the rest of the hospital decorations.

They were going to make this perfect for sunoo and sunghoon. Everyone in the building was a nervous wreck, but sunoo was freaking out in the bathroom alone.

He sat on the toilet seat as he fidgeted a ring with his fingers.

"But what if he rejects me?"

"Sunoo hyung?" Ni-ki burst into the bathroom. Sunoo shoved the ring into his pocket and stepped out of the stall.

"You look amazing." Ni-ki smiled and passed him the flowers.

"Now go get your man."


"Sunghooooon come on get up, we have a surprise for you."

"I hate surprises." Sunghoon answered coldly.

"Remember last time I called you and said that I was coming over with icecream? And do you remember who was waiting for you instead of me?"

Sunghoon chuckled

"And I thought you were sunoo"

"Right, and I'm here and where's sunoo? Waiting for you."

Sunghoon turned to face heeseung, his eyes wide open.

"No way" he breathed out. He sat up and walked over to the door and walked out.

The hospital hall looked completely different from the last time he came out. balloons were hanging everywhere, there was a red little carpet on the ground.

Sunghoon's heart was beating so loud, anyone could hear it in the silent hallway. He followed the carpet and turned the corner where a small figure was sitting in one of the seats. He was wearing a black suit which fit him perfectly, a single rose in his hands.

Sunghoon fell down to the ground overwhelmed, his eyes stinging with tears.

"He's really there" Sunoo turned to sunghoons voice. He dropped the rose and ran to sunghoon. He picked Sunghoon up from the ground and engulfed him in a hug.

"Sunghoon- you're finally here, in my arms" he whispered in sunghoons ear, tears daring to fall our his eyes.

"You came back for me" Sunghoon hiccupped

"Always my love"

"B-but why? You didn't move on from me?" Sunghoon pulled away from the hug to look at sunoo.

"I could never, you're my soulmate after all" sunoo's tears fell down as he hugged the older again.

"S-s-sunghoon." Sunoo stuttered as he got on one knee. He pulled out the most beautiful ring sunghoon had ever seen. Sunghoon almost fell over once he realized what the younger was trying to do.

"From day 1 I knew it was you. We went through so much together, I had never expected for us to have gone through all of this and yet it feels like yesterday when I got into that Uber car. But through all of this, I still love you. Despite everything that tried to separate us, you were the only one in my heart. Park sunghoon, would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

"Y-yes of course!" Sunghoon answered wiping his tears. Sunoo slipped the diamond on sunghoons finger.

"I love you sunoo" sunghoon whispered and kissed sunoo. His soulmate. His everything. His little sunshine.


The End

My little sunshine// sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now