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update cuz its my birthday!!


sunghoon stormed through the door and covered his ears as he ran to find sunoo. The music was crazy loud and even if he shouted no one would be able to hear him. 

"Hey sunghoon!" Sunoo said yelling into his ear, clinging onto him.

"Sunoo do you have my phone?!?!?!?"

"WHAT?" sunghoon sighed as he grabbed the youngers wrist as dragged him outside the house.

"sit." sunghoon pointed to the steps as he started pacing back and forth. Sunoo obeyed and stared up at the older.

"hmm how can I put this nicely... sorry but this was really boring and tf you weren't even with me, also a little birdy told me that you went through my phone. I didn't tell you this but im really sensitive about what others think about me and I told you not to look at my photos but you go ahead and do it-"

"Hyung! listen I'm sorry, I couldn't find you! also if it makes you feel better, youre really handsome so you shouldn't be insecure of your looks!!"


"hyung, im being serious, im really sorry i left you alone."

"ok, i understand... but give me my phone sunoo."

"no, it hasnt passed an hour."

"come on, its all your fault. ill do anything!"

"No" the younger said crossing his arms

"Come onnnnnn I'll do ANYTHING!"

"anything?" sunoo asked

"anything." sunghoon repeated.

"fine then... be my boyfriend for a day"


omg im so done with myself its so cringy bye

My little sunshine// sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now