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Just as he promised sunghoon sent sunoo this skating rank adress the next morning. Sunoo didnt know what to expect so at 4:30 he put on some decent clothes at left the house.

 Sunoo arrived just on time and at 5:02 he entered the ice rank. He quietly opened the door, exposing him to a big and empty rink. 

Then sunoo saw him, sunghoon was stting on the ice. he didnt look bothered that he had just fallen down. Instead he pushed himself back up and skated towards the entrance of the ice rink. Sunoo had never seen someone skate in real life before, he had only seen it on tv and he found it astonishing how sunghoon just gracfeully, without falling skated across the rink. 

He wobbled on the ground and sat on a bench, not taking notice of the younger.

"When's that idiot coming."

SunshineSunoo: sorry, I got lost. give me 5 minutes :(

Icyhoon: ok

Sunoo heard Sunghoon chuckle as he went back on the ice. Sunoo took this chance and quietly slipped out of the rink  and sat on a bench outside and picket up his phone at a notif.

JungwonsLOML: Sunoo hyung help me

SunshineSunoo: Omg ni-ki did jungwon change your user?

JungwonsLOML: Yea, but wonnie hyung let me change his. What should I change  it too?

SunshineSunoo: Ni-kisidiot

JungwonsLOML: He's not an idiot hyung!

JungwonsLOML: Ik, ill do ni-kisunshine

SunshineSunoo: did you just take my user?

JungwonsLOML: hehe maybe, ill talk to you later hyung, dont forget about our double date!

Sunoo noted to himself to take revenge on ni-ki later as he slipped his phone into his pocket. 

the ice rank door clicked in front of him indicating that someone had gone into the rink.

Sunoo, with his curiosity, peeked in and saw a handsome tall man, with his hair dyed red and a loose tye-dyed shirt embracing sunghoon in front of his eyes.


ok so yk who the handsome tall man with the red hair is. lol OUR ELDEST LEE HEESEUNG. yes wonki is real <3

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