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"Wait what?"

"I can't just let you suffer, you deserve to be with your soulmate"

"You do too Ryujin." The two of them embraced both crying out for their loved ones.

"So what's the plan."

"Let's just run away."


"Yeah sneak out, run away and never come back."

"Ryujin, that's-"

"Here let me explain."

"We can catch a flight back to Korea on Tuesday, leave a note saying we are both happy with Lia and Sunghoon. And if you want, cut all contact sources from our parents. That way we can live our lives free from our parents and back in Korea."

"I c-cant do that ryujin."

"Oh... well what are you gonna say when I disappear?"

"Fu- I'm coming with you."

"Great! I already booked a plane!"

"When did you even have the time, no I'm not gonna ask"

"We leave on Tuesday, be out by 4:30am at the latest."

Yes Sunoo did wake up... at 4am. He regretted sleeping at 12 last night but there was nothing he could do about it. He gulped down a cup of coffee, packed his things and was out by 4:30.

This was the hard part, there were security guards almost in every hallway. But ryujin had a plan.

"Ok at exactly 4:30am the security guards switch, and that's when we run. Just follow me and be as quiet as possible." Ryujin checked her watch and when the clock hit 4:30 she sprinted off.

The two of them ran though the long hallways, down the stairs. They called a taxi and drove to the airport.

They were sitting in the airport in silence, waiting for their boarding time.

"R-ryujin?" Sunoo froze. It was a guys voice, lower than usual, he couldn't figure who's it was. Did a security guard chase them here?

Ryujin whipped around and there stood a middle aged man. He looked homeless almost, his clothes were all torn tho his face was bright and smiling.

"Dad" ryujin croaked out.

"DAD?" Sunoo shouted from his seat.

"You must be Sunoo, I'm ryujin dad!" The man said shaking his hand.

"But what are you two doing here?"

"What are YOU doing here?" Ryujin asked mad

"Ryujin sweetie I know we aren't on good terms, but you two have a wedding! And I came to watch."

"Uhhh no dad, the wedding was delayed actually. Um sunoos dad got sick and he let us go back to Korea for a while."

"Oh! Really, ok well I came here so I might as well spend some time before I leave! H-have fun ryujin, I-ill contact you."

"Yeah yeah ok dad bye" she said shoving her dad away.

Sunoo stood there, confused.

"Sorry about that but hopefully we believed us."

"You guys aren't close huh?"

"Nah,, long story"

"Let's go home Sunoo" 

My little sunshine// sunsun auWhere stories live. Discover now