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The cerulean vacuum of hyperspace surrounded the X-Wing, while Kitra observed the many star systems that flew past her. Leaning back in her seat, she let out a sigh as she took in the beauty that was the galaxy. Kitra loved that aspect of flying, as it allowed her to periodically take her mind off the many pressures that were oppressing her.

Like many people across the galaxy, she wished that there were a way in which she could rid the stars of the stench that was the Empire. Just like her father, Kitra was a person who wanted to restore peace and free many prisoners of war. Unfortunately, she could not find the spark within herself to do so.

Of course she would help people when given the chance, which is why she is finally helping the Rebellion; but Kitra knows that someday she will have to hide again. That is all Kitra has ever known; hiding. Even as a child before the Republic fell, she still had to hide who she truly was.

Kitra jumped out of her invasive thoughts when the blue portal that surrounded her dwindled down. The X-Wing shot into the familiar Yavin system, towards the many moons of the central red planet.

Reaching towards the control panel, Kitra turned off auto pilot and took control of the rebel fighter. Grasping the steering handle in her hands, Kitra followed behind the various rebel transports towards the green planet of Yavin IV.

Kitra felt a sudden weight lift off of her once she entered the atmosphere of the planet. Something about the planet drew her in; whether it was the presence of her old friend Bail Organa, or the curious temples that spiked Kitra's interest; she felt content to be back on the forest world.

Descending the fighter over the forests, Kitra aimed the X-Wing as she landed on the air field of the rebel base. Once the X-Wing stopped moving, she reached forward and pressed various buttons, powering the ship down before opening the hatch of the fighter.

Taking off her helmet, Kitra climbed down the yellow ladder that was wheeled out for her by the ground staff. Once she was on the ground, she glanced up at R2 who was lifted out of his small compartment onto the ground.

The girl looked around, noticing small transports that took pilots away from their fighters. Kitra glanced over her shoulder when she noticed another transport lock onto the landing gear of the X-Wing, before it started to tow it forwards and into the hanger. While she watched that, Kitra felt a presence beside her, making her turn around and face one of the mechanics who offered to take her helmet. Shooting the young man a polite smile, she gave it to him and watched as he ran off.

Tearing her gaze away from the busy hanger, Kitra glanced down at R2 who was still sat in front of her. A tender smile spread across her lips as she knelt down to the astromech's height, earning a content beep from the droid. "I can see why he favoured you so much, you are a great companion." Kitra praised the happy droid. Kitra knew that she didn't need to clarify who she was talking about, she knew that R2 understood who she was talking about.

R2 in response wobbled in his place from the girl's approval. For years the droid had been starved from a travel companion, as the last time he had traveled across the galaxy on a mission was nearly twenty years ago. To say that he missed those days would be an understatement.

Stepping out of the debriefing room, Cassian released a tired breath before he continued to walk across the grounds of the base. "I understand." Cassian spoke before giving a data pad back to a junior officer who walked away not long after.

"A successful mission, I am amazed. Maybe you're not helpless after all." The familiar voice of K2-S0 rang out, making Cassian glance up at his droid companion with a disapproving stare. "Very funny, K-2." Cassian huffed as he continued to walk through the base.

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