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The U-Wing rocked slightly as it traveled through hyperspace. While K-2 sat in the cockpit, keeping watch of the ship's status; Lani was stood in the cabin, explaining the keycards to Cassian as Kitra sat on the bench, observing her necklace.

" order for you to retrieve the information, you need both halves of the keycard. They fit together and once you have done that, only then can you put the card into a data computer in an Imperial base." Lani explained, displaying a hologram of the two keycards from her wrist cuff.

Cassian observed the holographic image, as he took in the information. "Do we know which Imperial base?" Cassian questioned, as he looked Lani in the eye. The green-eyed girl met his gaze before breaking it and turning off the hologram.

"We don't. But there's someone on Zeltros who can tell us, I'll make sure of it." Lani explained, looking back at Cassian as she lowered one of her hands to her gun holsters. Cassian nodded in response.

"So Zeltros...know anything about it?" Cassian asked, as he had not been to the inner-rim planet before, nor does he know anyone whose gone there.

"It's a strange planet. It's not exactly Imperial, but a lot of the governors and politicians are loyal to the Empire." Lani started, making Kitra glance up in curiosity. Lani looked between Kitra and Cassian, before continuing.

"You have to be careful with Zeltros. The people there are very empathetic and do not like war, there hasn't been a war there for thousands of years and the Zeltrons would like to keep it that way. It is a party and vacation planet, full of beaches and clubs. Our source is in a club, so we need to keep our wits about us." Lani concluded.

"The club could be filled with Imperial spies, like how Nar's canteen was. Someone needs to keep watch to notify us if there's any suspicious activity while we are there." Kitra explained, making Cassian glance over to the girl who hasn't said a word since they left Mandalore.

Lani gave Kitra an approving nod, before walking off to recheck her weapons; leaving Cassian and Kitra in the cabin. Cassian was tempted to go back to the cockpit to check up on K-2, but something was stopping him, keeping him in the cabin as he looked forward at Kitra who was sat alone.

Kitra's thoughts still dwelled on Mandalore, where she reunited with Bo-Katan after many years. She hasn't seen her in ten years, but for whatever reason, Kitra felt more of a connection with the rightful heir than she had before.

Kitra speculated that it was due to her revelation and her now knowing more about her Mandalorian roots. She didn't have as many people in her life as she did when she last saw her aunt, so it could be her slight fear that she could lose another person in her life; something that Kitra often feared. She knew she couldn't let her fear control her as she knew that if she did that would set her onto the path of the dark side, but some days Kitra couldn't help it.

"Are you alright?" a voice questioned, making Kitra look up at Cassian who was stood in front of her. Kitra met his gaze, as his eyes filled with concern. Kitra broke her gaze with the man, as she looked at her fingers that were tangled together.

"I don't really know." she mumbled, making Cassian raise one of his eyebrows in surprise from her answer. Usually when he asks her that question, she puts on a stoic façade and says she's fine; but now that she answered truthfully, Cassian didn't know how to react.

The rebel could tell that she was facing some inner conflict, but this time had no strength or energy to mask it. Cassian had no idea what Kitra had been through or what kind of losses she had endured, but from the girl's mannerisms, he could tell it was a lot and was starting to take a toll on her. He recalled Lani's strange reaction to seeing Kitra angry, where the Mandalorian told him to keep an eye on her.

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