forty three

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The Empire's presence cast a dark shadow across the city, as many Imperial transports flew from the ancient place of worship towards the Star Destroyers. The large ship was in everyone's sight, it was hard to miss. When people went to observe the sun, they would look upon the large and oppressive ship instead.

Kitra pulled her hood over her head, as she stepped between various groups of people. After leaving K-2 with the ship, they were quick to scout towards the ancient city in search of Saw and his followers. Kitra was aware of the dangers of coming face-to-face with the man. After hearing countless stories of his reckless attacks, she was aware that finding the rebel may not be as easy as initially planned.

Cassian glanced over his shoulder and sent the Jedi a glance, as he also anticipated a possible struggle in their search for Saw. The two rebels walked either side of Jyn, who observed the city with a curious gaze, as she stepped around and took in every corner of the market street that they were currently traveling down. Kitra observed the woman that walked in front of her, keeping watch to make sure she would not stray from the mission. 

As they turned into another street, Kitra's eyes instantly fell upon the patrols of stormtroopers that paced through the streets which lead to the main sqaure of the town. Kitra shared a glance with Cassian, before she diverted her gaze and turned her head away from any of the trooper's gazes. She looked down at a small family that were huddled on a doorstep, clutching onto one another in desperation.

Kitra met the mother's feared gaze, before she slowly crouched down to their level. The mother flinched from their close proximity, as she looked back at Kitra with a distrusting gaze. The Jedi could feel the woman's fear,  and pain. She observed how the woman's gaze would flicker towards the nearby troopers and her grip on her children tightened; which told Kitra all that she needed to know.

The girl held her hands up in a calm surrender, as she tilted her head up so that the woman could meet her gaze. The mother frowned slightly when she looked upon Kitra, as her eyes held an unfamiliar kindness and serenity; a look which was foreign to the once peaceful city. From a single glance, the mother felt reassured that Kitra was not like the troopers or the hunters that would often scout the area and abuse anyone who got in their way. It was an unusual sight, the girl who's eyes were hidden within the darkness of her hood held an assuring light, more so than the people who showed their faces. 

Kitra reached her hand out for the mother, who gently placed her dirty hand in Kitra's gloved one. The moment the mother touched Kitra, she felt calm. Kitra placed another hand on top of the woman's, as she observed the suffering woman with a gentle gaze. After a few moments, Kitra drew her hands away from the woman and reached into her pocket, before she pulled out a ration of food. 

The Jedi handed the ration to the woman, who gazed back at her with large thankful eyes. The woman had not experienced a similar act of kindness in a long time. "I'm sorry they took everything from you." Kitra spoke, her voice quiet, yet held with a level of confidence. Kitra's aura was completely calm, despite the resentment she felt towards the Empire; her focus was on the people who were struggling. They were full of fear, hatred and shame. The people had been forced out of their homes, out of places of worship and were left with nothing but their own remorse. It was Kitra's mission to give them hope.

Kitra sent the woman a nod, wishing her farewell. The Jedi stood up and stepped away from the woman and continued down the street, observing the people who hid away from the light. She could feel all of their pain, it was overwhelming. A sudden hand on her shoulder brought Kitra out of her thoughts, as she turned around and faced Cassian. The man glanced around the area in suspicion before he gazed down at her, "As much as I appreciate and support your charity towards those people, you need to remember that we have a mission to do. You cannot get caught." Cassian advised, looking down at her with a desperate gaze. So many of their missions had previously gone wrong due to people working out that Kitra was a Jedi, which usually resulted in shoot-outs and near death experiences. Cassian had a feeling that their current mission was one with higher stakes than the last few, he needed them to complete it without any risks.

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