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The deep blue void of hyperspace surrounded the rebel's U-Wing as it traveled through the depths of space, following the map towards the next location.

Cassian glanced from the stars that soared past the ship, towards one of the multiple screens that were displayed in the cockpit. He looked over at one which displayed a trail that the ship was following, notifying him that they were still on course and still had some time before they had to exit hyperspace.

The ringing of the communicator on one of the multiple screens brought the pilot out of his thoughts. Letting out a slight sigh, he reached his hand up and slid it across the flashing screen before a hologram call appeared.

"Captain Andor, what is your status? Have you retrieved the card?" The holographic image of the Rebel leader asked.

"I'm enroute to Barseg. There was a slight diversion, but we're back on course." Cassian replied, thinking back to the chaos that occured earlier on Centares.

"At least you're still on course. Remember, this mission is important and could possibly help us take a step closer to defeating the Empire." The General explained, his holographic face morphing into a serious expression. Cassian understood the importance of the mission and just like any other rebel, wanted to help the Rebellion defeat the Empire, no matter the cost.

Meanwhile, in the cabin area of the ship Kitra was sat in one of the uncomfortable seats that was placed in the centre of the cabin, glancing around the area in boredom. The ex-smuggler could hear the conversation from the cockpit, she guessed that Andor was on a holocall. Kitra decided to pay the conversation no interest, as she did not want to anger the rebel, not too much.

"Good luck, Captain Andor." Kitra heard the other voice say. The distortion from the holocall slightly rendering the speaker's voice.

"Thank you, General Organa." Kitra heard Cassian answer. The girl's head quickly snapped towards the cockpit. The girl could not see the holographic image of the receiver, which she guessed the rebels deliberately hid from her sight as they didn't want her peering into their confidential business in case she were a spy.

Kitra did not care what their mission was, she only cared about the map of the newly developed Empire base that she had created. She agreed to join the mission for an excuse to blast more bucket heads.

The mention of the name 'Organa' sparked her interest. A sudden nostalgic feeling swarmed within her stomach, as she remembered that name. She was young, but that name was something that always stuck with her.

The girl was brought out of her thoughts when she could hear the faint sound of muttering and footsteps. The girl pulled out her necklace from beneath her shirt and started to observe it, in an attempt to not look like she heard the name of the supposed Rebel General.

The sound of nearby footsteps, signaled to Kitra that the rebel pilot had gotten down from his seat in the cockpit. She got a sudden feeling that she was being watched, before dropping her grasp from her necklace and lifting her gaze to the rebel Captain who seemed to be analysing her.

"Can I help you?" Kitra questioned, raising one of her eyebrows as she looked back at the pilot with a questioning expression. The girl noticed his eyebrows shift slightly before he leaned against one of the metallic walls, crossing his arms as he kept his gaze set on her.

"So you're a Jedi?" Cassian questioned, tilting his head to the side as he analyzed every move she made. It wasn't that he didn't trust the girl, he was just being cautious. It hasn't been unheard of that Imperial spies mask themselves as a mutual party and pretend to be anti-empire in attempts to gather rebel information. Cassian wasn't sure that Kitra was one, but he kept his distance from her in case his worries were true.

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