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Kitra's vision was blurred when she opened her eyes. Blinking multiple times, her vision slowly focused; only for a bright light to burn into her eyes, making her quickly divert her gaze.

Her adrenaline from earlier had worn off, causing an excruciating level of pain to rupture across many parts of her body. Letting out a pained groan, Kitra looked down at her left arm, noticing a deep lightsaber burn cut across her bicep. Her jacket had many burns and holes in them from the fight with Vader where he had managed to strike her.

Glancing downwards, Kitra noticed another scorch mark on her left mid-thigh, the contact of the lightsaber had burned away the surrounding fabric of her trousers. She was in a way, thankful that Vader didn't strike her any higher.

Rolling her head back, Kitra leaned her back against the wall of the prison cell that she was held in, her thighs aching from sitting on the uncomfortable bench. Her entire body ached, and from the state of her lower body, she could only imagine what her face looked like. The small waves of stinging and the taste of blood in her mouth told her that she looked like a cubism painting.

Before Kitra could mentally complain about her wounds any more, the faint sound of heavy footsteps walking through the corridor interrupting her thoughts. Kitra could already sense who it was.

The automatic door swept upwards, revealing the Sith Lord from earlier, who stared down at her before descending the steps into the red-lit prison cell.

"Hey Ani." Kitra greeted with a smug smile. She knew that the Sith Lord hated his past self, as she guessed he viewed himself as weak or some other edgy shit. Therefore, calling him by an old nickname would definitely piss him off.

Vader slowly turned his masked head in her direction, staring at the prisoner who addressed him by his previous nickname. Kitra didn't need to see his face to know that the man was aggravated by the nickname. Kitra glanced down at her shackled wrists, kind of hoping that Vader would not decide to attack her.

But if he did kill her, he wouldn't find out the location of her father. "You are going to tell me where he is." Vader demanded, his deep voice resonating against Kitra's chest as she looked up at the tall man.

"No I'm not." She answered, her once playful demeanor dropped into a serious one. If she showed too much emotion, it would be easier for Vader to work out where her father was.

Vader looked down at her, before raising his hand slightly to signal towards the people behind him. As if on queue, two stormtroopers walked into the cell and gripped onto her arms, the one to her left directly touching her lightsaber wound making an immense level of pain rush through her body, making her cringe.

The troopers pulled her to her feet, holding her still while Vader took a step backwards. Once he did, a black circular droid hovered into the cell, causing a dread-filled groan to escape from her lips once she recognised the torture droid which she had encountered before.

The droid hovered towards her, extending a metallic rod with an electric current sparking at the end. Once it was close enough, the droid jabbed the metallic stick against her skin, sending a high-powered energy current through her veins. Kitra's muscles contracted while her body shook, her hairs sticking upwards in shock. The sharp shocks felt like a knife was tearing its way through her veins.

The shocking came to a stop, causing Kitra's head to flop downwards as the droid hovered backwards, allowing Vader to step forward again. "Where is he?" Vader asked, making Kitra slowly raise her head, sending the masked man a hateful glare.

"I don't know where he is." Kitra seethed, her heaving breath infiltrating her sentences, making her ability to speak more painful. Vader slowly glanced towards the two stormtroopers who held Kitra, and gave them a small nod which made their grasp on Kitra to tighten, making Kitra let out a hiss when the pressure on her wound caused the burn to scream through her veins.

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