thirty three

73 4 0

Piercing through the fluffy clouds, the U-Wing descended onto the tarmac of the rebel air field. Once the ship gently touched down onto the surface, Cassian powered down the ship's controls.

Kitra was the first to step out of the ship, as Yavin's powerful sun blinded her vision. She slowly adjusted to the intense change in surroundings, as she began to walk through the base.

Looking back, she noticed that Cassian and K-2 had disappeared, slipping past her, unnoticed. The girl looked around the base that swelled with life, before she looked forward once again to continue her journey. Only to come face to face with her old friend.

"Kitra. There is something I must show you." Organa's gentle voice announced, beckoning the girl to follow him. Kitra gave in, seeing as she had nothing else to fill her time with.

Organa led the girl down a thin stoned corridor which was infested with vines. "I had a few officers make this space for you. Seeing as your presence here has helped us, we thought we'd show our gratitude for your efforts." Organa explained, making Kitra's eyebrows shift in curiosity.

They reached a singular door, where Organa typed in a code slow enough for Kitra to memorise. The automated door shot open, revealing a small dark room.

The room was square, with a thin mattress that was laying in the corner of the room with a pillow and sheet to match. There was a small wooden desk to the side of the mattress, as well as a sink and mirror in the corner of the room.

"It may not be a lot. We did our best to scramble the best resources we could use, but of course our time and money was limited--". Before Organa could finish his reasonings, Kitra had wrapped her arms around his tall torso, hugging the man.

Organa looked down at the girl and smiled, before he put an arm around her back. "This is more than enough. Thank you." Kitra spoke, breaking away from the man, as she observed the room.

The girl had never had her own room before. She was always forced to share a tiny room with 8 other people when she worked with Nar, or she was forced to sleep in the uncomfortable bunks in Mandalorian warships. Kitra had never afforded the luxury of her own comfort, or even privacy.

Organa smiled, relieved that the girl was happy with his gift. "How can I ever repay you for this charity?" Kitra asked, looking up at the tall man. Organa laughed to himself as he placed a generous hand on her shoulder.

"Kitra, you have nothing to repay. You have done more than enough for this rebellion and the people across this galaxy." Organa reasoned. Kitra nodded slowly, not completely excepting the price. But if Organa was willing to give it to her just like that, then she thought she might as well take it. Chances like that don't come around easily.

Organa had disappeared, leaving Kitra in the doorway of her room. She stared at the few things that filled her small room. After observing the charity given to her, the girl traveled towards the entrance to the cave which looked out into the airfield.

Kitra sat down on an abandoned crate, watching various pilots and technicians run along the tarmac ground between ships.

The ground breathed beneath her, as the air exhaled a gust of wind past the girl. A trail of emerald and gold leaves scurried past her, winding around in circular dances, as the wind's gentle song took them on a journey.

Kitra could feel the familiar surge of energy emit from the trails of leaves, as they traveled past her. The girl knew that the planet had a deep and ancient connection to the force, one so old even her father wouldn't know. Every time Kitra sat by herself, she never felt alone as the force's presence always kept her company, reminding her of her place in the galaxy. Always soothing her troubles and washing her free of stress.

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