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"...I heard you can help me with that." Cassian offered, deceiving the once Republic Politician. Orn Free Taa smiled at the offer as he thought of what he could get out of helping them. "What do I get for helping you? How many credits do you have?" Taa asked.

"Not many, but I have a ship.." Cassian started, making Kitra think of Cassian's U-Wing and glance down at him. "..a very nice ship." he finished, making Orn Free Taa raise an eyebrow in interest.

"It's a CR90 Corvette." Kitra spoke, making Taa and Cassian slowly look in her direction. Kitra looked away from Cassian's questioning eyes and met Orn Free Taa's curious face. "We both know how rare those things are now. They are also very robust, and I'm sure you would enjoy the nostalgic feeling of being on one, let alone owning one." Kitra dealt, making Taa think before slowly nodding his head in agreement, calming Cassian's nerves.

The man then looked at Kitra, and observed her with a heavy stare; one that even made Cassian shift in discomfort. "Girl...what's your name?" the Twi'lek asked, making both Kitra and Cassian panic internally.

Kitra tried to conceal her panic as she thought of a name. "My, uh, name is Taryn..Amidala." Kitra answered, making Orn Free Taa hum in response.

"Amidala. It's been a while since I've last heard that name." Orn Free Taa stated, as he began to rub his chin with his fingers, still looking at the girl. Kitra felt more panic rise from within her.

"Yeah, we're still around." Kitra shrugged, regretting that she decided to use the name Amidala. Cassian could also tell that the girl was feeling panicked and decided to cut in. "Now, the ship. If you give us what we need, you can have the ship. No costs." Cassian dealt, earning Orn Free Taa's attention again.

While the two men bargained, Kitra felt a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach. Slowly glancing around the space of the club room, Kitra observed the people that danced and drank together. All seemed fine until her eyes landed on a female Zabrak that was stood on the opposite side of the room, looking Kitra dead in the eye with a suspicious gaze. Kitra noticed the Zabrak whisper something to a Rodian that stood beside them, before she walked away and disappeared through a door. Kitra frowned.

"So if I give you the wanted information, how am I sure you'll be able to find it?" Orn Free Taa asked, making Cassian think quickly. He didn't fail to notice the mischievous glint that reflected in the Twi'leks eyes, he was up to something.

"Well you see, Taryn here is very good at reading maps and finding locations.." Cassian started as he glanced towards Kitra, only to find that she wasn't there. The rebel internally swore to himself before a loud laugh boomed from across the table.

Cassian glanced back at Orn Free Taa who appeared to be laughing at him. "It looks like your little friend got a bit distracted and wandered off." The man said, making Cassian frown slightly as he questioned why she would leave.

"Oh, that Taryn is an uncontrollable one, isn't she?" Orn Free Taa spoke, overly pronouncing Kitra's fake name. That made Cassian meet the Twi'leks gaze again, as he could feel that something wasn't right. "...or should I call her Kitra Kenobi. You know, it was a bad idea to bring a wanted Jedi to a place like this, rebel." Orn Free Taa said through an evil smile.

Once he finished speaking, many stormtroopers burst into the room; making numerous guests rush out screaming. Cassian stood up from the booth and looked around, noticing other guests holding a red flashing button in their hands with a blaster in the other. The man frowned before looking over and seeing Orn Free Taa holding a red light also. "You might want to find your friend, you never know who could be on the other end of this line searching for her." Orn Free Taa smiled, making Cassian's eyes widen as he ran off in a sprint.

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