forty one

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Months had passed and the war was growing more intense day after day. The Rebellion was suffering, people were ill and tired. The Imperials had expanded their resources, meaning that whenever a team of Rebels returned back onto base after a draining mission, they had to promptly leave again. There was not enough people to fight against the scale of the war.

Which was why Kitra was constantly moving. She could not remember the last time she was on Yavin IV for more than 3 hours. Though it was her choice. She decided to stay and she wanted to help. Kitra knew that she was one of the few chances the rebels had left to really propel their fight forward.

Hence why Kitra was currently sat on board the Ghost, sat beside Hera who descended the ship into Yavin's atmosphere. She finally caved in and decided to help the crew, but she has not officially joined them. Her loyalties still laid with Cassian and their small crew. "I missed this place." Hera muttered as she gently touched the ship down onto the tarmac. 

Kitra stood up and walked down the ramp once it lowered. The moment her feet touched Yavin's ground, she took in a deep breath as she let the fresh air fill her lungs. She was back at last, though possibly not for long; but she at least had a temporary grounding. Kitra's serenity was quickly interrupted by a couple of groans and crashes from behind her, making the girl slowly peer over her shoulder where she laid eyes upon the tall Lasat battling an astromech. Kitra rolled her eyes as she gazed away from the old married couple. "..No, you are having your oil bath! Hera said so." The man argued as he held the astromech in his long arms, while the droid shifted its stilts in fury. "What do you mean it smells bad? You're a droid!" The man grunted, as he passed the girl.

The Lasat who went by the name of Garazeb Orrelios, or Zeb, quickly glanced down at the judgmental girl, who unbeknownst to him was a Jedi. The man sent her a sheepish smile before he coughed to himself, "Uh, good job kid - hope to see you around again. I just need to...Chopper!" The man spoke before shouting as the droid shot from his arms, as he chased after the astromech. 

"Is he usually like that?" Kitra questioned, as she sensed Hera approach from behind her. The pilot was a startled that she knew she was there, before she glanced down at the lightsabers that were attached to her belt. Hera put a hand on her hip as she watched Zeb chase Chopper, "Which one?" 

Kitra smirked as she glanced over her shoulder at Hera who joined her side. "You did well. I could not thank you enough for joining this mission." Hera praised, earning a small smile from the girl. Truthfully, Kitra found the perfect excuse as one of Cassian's recent missions consisted of him needing to travel to Coruscant, which of course was something Kitra did not want to do. In fairness to Hera, Kitra was also interested in the Ghost Crew after hearing so much about them but never seeing them in action. She had to admit, they had an interesting work ethic. "I'm glad you welcomed me aboard." She nodded.

Hera excused herself and walked towards General Organa, as she handed the man the information that they managed to smuggle. While Hera did that, Kitra turned and sat on a crate. The girl observed the wrist cuffs that she modified thanks to the help of a fellow Mandalorian; and with a few buttons, an old photo projected in front of Kitra.

A sad smile was plastered across her lips as she looked at the blonde girl in the photo. Her purple lined armor shined against the overcast suns of Concordia. "I hope I'm making you proud. I'm trying my best." Kitra muttered, as a presence appeared beside her. The Jedi looked up as she met the friendly gaze of Rex. His eyes drifted towards the photo of the Mandalorian, before he recognised the sad look in her eyes. "Who's that?" He asked, as he sat beside her.

Kitra got rid of the photo as she let out a sigh and observed the birds that flew from the trees. "Her name was Lani, she was dear to me. The Empire took her." Kitra explained as she lowered her gaze as memories flooded her vision. Rex nodded as he understood her, having gone through something similar himself.

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