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A mixture of dread and regret raised within Kitra once she recognised the familiar sound of distorted breathing. She had heard many whispers about a deadly being whose power was unmatched, as no one had ever beaten them or even survived in combat against them before; the only thing Kitra heard was that their breath was venomous, those who heard that loud distorted breath were usually too late as many had already perished by the time their second exhale were released.

Turning around slowly, Kitra turned to face the figure who was draped in black. She slowly lifted her gaze as her eyes landed on a large helmet that covered the entirety of their face, concealing any hint of humanity. Kitra guessed that they were human due to the fact that they held a lot of power within the Empire and everyone knew that mostly humans could retrieve a rank worthy of such power.

The figure tilted their head downwards as they glanced at Kitra. If the stories about the powerful being eliminating battalions of rebels were true; why was she still alive? Surely he would have struck her down by now, unless he wanted her alive.

"That was a mistake, letting your friends go. Now you are alone, with no one to help you. You are outmatched." The figure spoke, his deep voice booming out of his filtered mask. Kitra's ribcage shook slightly from the power that came from his voice, she could only imagine what he was like in combat. Actually, she didn't want to imagine.

Kitra would have cowered away from the Sith if they had met a year prior, or even a day prior. But now that Kitra had decided to reveal herself to the rebels, a sudden responsibility dawned on her. If the Sith were here and she ran off with the rebels, he would catch them quickly and torture them; but if she stood her ground in order to let the rebels retrieve the information and get away, that could then help the rebellion. All Kitra had to do was think carefully about her next movements, as she remembered her training.

"You shouldn't underestimate me." Kitra replied, her voice surprisingly strong despite the fact that she was stood in front of one of the Galaxy's most deadly Imperials. Her chest moved up and down steadily, making Kitra gain control over her breathing, as well as her fright.

The Sith Lord did not reply. The figure who went by the name of Darth Vader, looked down at the young woman with a emotion that could be mistaken for pity. Deciding that they had kept the stubborn woman alive for too long, a burning red blade ignited from beneath his dark cape. The scarlet blade shone red hues onto Kitra's face, while she eyed the Sith lightsaber with caution.

"Too bad you're going to die." Vader's intimidating voice boomed, his red lightsaber pointing upwards a few meters away from his own head. Kitra watched him adjust his grip over the silver and black hilt, as if he were preparing to strike her down.

Something within Kitra awoke, something that had been buried deep within her for years. Kitra knew that if she stood down, the rebels would be compromised. Cassian trusted her enough to go on without her, with no suspicion or doubt. That was enough to fuel Kitra with the confidence that she needed, as Kitra felt like she needed to occupy the Sith Lord to give the rebels more time.

Staring up at the man in black, Kitra slowly moved her right hand into the inside of her over-sized coat, reaching to the back of her belt where she stored her secretive weapon. Grasping the silver hilt in her hand, she gently detached it from the brown leather belt that was secured over her cotton shirt. "Not today." Kitra answered, her voice full of determination. Her tone taking Vader by surprise as he was used to seeing people cower away from his threats.

Letting out a few deep exhales, Kitra mentally counted down from three before she removed her hand from the inside of her coat, revealing the silver lightsaber hilt that was grasped in her gloved hand. Vader tilted his head upwards in surprise that the girl had a lightsaber, judging from the way she dressed and her age; he guessed she was probably trained by a rogue Jedi that survived the purge, and guessed that she was badly trained.

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