twenty seven

137 6 0

The wind blew gently through the hanger, as Kitra stood alone, familiarising herself with the changed Rebel base. The girl instantly noticed that there were a lot more ships in the hanger than there were 2 years ago.

Beside her, R2 beeped, making Kitra squat down to his level, as he let out a chain of beeps. "Oh really? You've been on a lot of missions, that sounds exciting." Kitra replied, as R2 wobbled on his stilts while telling Kitra about his stories.

"I went on some too. I did fight in a massive battle to liberate some Mandalorians. Oh, and I also came across another force user, they weren't too friendly let's just say that." Kitra updated, earning a hum from the droid who appeared to be interested in the life that Kitra had over the past few years.

"I know you would've loved to come with me. But trust me, you wouldn't like Dagobah." Kitra assured, while R2 swiveled his head at her. The distant sound of footsteps caught her attention while she remained by R2's side. When two footsteps stopped beside her, Kitra lifted her head to look up at Cassian who stood beside her with his hands on his hips. "I've been given a rescue mission. I was wondering if you wanted to join?" Cassian asked, as he peered down at the girl's face.

The pilot watched as Kitra's sapphire eyes twinkled in thought, making Cassian observe the strong hues of blue that he had not seen for a while. Cassian quickly withdrew himself and looked around the hanger to stop himself from getting lost. "Alright. I'm in." Kitra answered, making Cassian look back at her as she stood up.

"Great." Cassian answered, as Kitra stood opposite him with an expectant glance. A low whistle caught his attention, making Cassian look away from Kitra and down towards R2. "Maybe bring him along too." Cassian continued.

Kitra looked down at her beloved droid friend before she smiled and nodded at Cassian. The adrenaline within Kitra's veins started to rush as she remembered the feeling of excitement that she would get when going on missions for the Rebellion. She had to admit she missed them.

They walked towards the U-Wing, which was currently being fueled while K-2 walked around muttering to himself. "Hey K-2" Kitra greeted, stopping by the droid. The tall droid turned around and looked down at the girl. "If you're expecting a soppy welcome back speech where I pretend that I missed you, then you are deeply mistaken." K-2 expressed with no hesitance.

Kitra smiled up at the droid with a sincere smile. "I missed you too." Kitra replied, before she turned her attention towards R2 who circled into the centre of the huddle before projecting an image of a large Imperial freighter ship.

"We received an encrypted message from Intelligence that there are hostages being kept on this ship and they're heading towards one of the Empire's main prison facilities. We believe there are some rebels with them. Our mission is to sneak onto the ship and rescue them and leave, without being noticed." Cassian informed, as the hologram moved, showing a large room where the hostages were being kept.

"Sounds easy enough." Kitra sighed, placing a hand on her hip. Cassian looked up from the hologram and glanced towards Kitra, whose face was lit up from the light from the hologram. K-2 let out a whir, "Don't get cocky." K-2 ordered, earning a playful eyeroll from the girl.

After adding a few finishing touches to the plan, they all jumped aboard the ship. Cassian and K-2 took their places in the cockpit, while Kitra sat down in the cabin on the bench. While the ship ascended higher into Yavin IV's atmosphere and into hyperspace, Kitra looked around the cabin.

Kitra glanced towards the other end of the bench, feeling the sensation of nostalgia swarm within her. It has been a while since she last sat on the bench, and the last time that she did was the day where she lost something great in her life.

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