thirty nine

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Rex and Cassian quickly grabbed their blasters from their holsters and aimed at the Dark Lord. Cassian's hands shook as he glared forward at the armored man, as his fear rose from within him after finally facing the person he's heard so much about.

From beside him, Rex stood with his twin blasters. His fingers sweating against the trigger, as he finally looked upon the man who killed his General. He was sure to avenge his death.

K-2 stood behind the two men, unsure what to do in the current situation. The droid looked to his side, where Kitra stood completely still. Her arms hung with neutrality as she made no move to bring out her blasters; she just stared.

Kitra had to admit, she did not expect to cross paths with Vader again. She assumed that he would find her later, so now that he stood in front of her, a new sense of urgency filled the girl. She had to protect him.

Moving her gaze towards the two rebels, she grew nervous as she did not know what Vader's next move would be. Kitra carefully placed a hand on Cassian's shoulder; her touch awakening him from his nervous trance. "Lower your blaster. It's no use, not against him." Kitra muttered to the two rebels.

Cassian glanced over his shoulder and met her gaze, where he noticed the serious look that she wore in her eyes. He knew to listen to her. So he lowered his blaster and put it back in its holster.

The girl sent him a look of appreciation for listening to her, before she glanced over at Rex who wore a look of hesitance before he too lowered his blasters. "Your intelligence does not fail you." Vader's voice boomed out, making Kitra look upon him once again.

Cassian moved closer towards Kitra, as he put himself between her and the Sith Lord; in an attempt to protect her. He recalled her last interaction with Vader, and vowed to protect her this time.

His movement caught Vader's attention, who looked down at him. His masked gaze sent tremors down Cassian's spine as his arms started to grow numb. "I pity the bravery of you rebels. Your attempts will lead to your demise." Vader spoke, making Cassian's hands twitch and shake.

Kitra instantly sensed Cassian's fear, as she gently placed her hand within his. She attempted to console him, to help him. Cassian briefly glanced from their interlocked hands, towards the comforting gaze that Kitra was sending him. Cassian let out a heavy exhale before looking forward once again, as he felt ounces of calm spread throughout him.

"I'd rather die from my bravery, than be one of your cowards!" Rex called out, as he thought of the many lives he had lost throughout different battles across his many years. Even though he was older now, he still preferred to fight his last few battles than become a stormtrooper.

Vader slowly looked down at Rex, who's breath hitched under his gaze. "A clone. You were meant to be discontinued." Vader pointed out, holding no remorse in his voice.

Kitra watched Rex with worry as she felt his anger rise, "You killed my brothers!" Rex shouted, as he thought of the many names that perished through the rise of the Empire. Brothers he had fought with since their creation, perished and were discontinued as if their years of service meant nothing.

"And I will kill more. It was all part of the plan." Vader answered, making Rex's body tense up in fury. Kitra quickly moved away from Cassian and placed a hand on his shoulder to hold him back.

"Rex, don't. Block him out, he's manipulating you. Just breathe." Kitra comforted as she felt his anger dissipate. Rex took in deep breaths as he pushed his pain to the back of his mind. The old clone glanced towards the Jedi who wore so many familiar traits to him, as she spoke to him through a calm aura. She barely knew him, but still wished to protect him and keep him safe from Vader's deceits.

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