forty nine

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Before Kitra could get a chance to speak to Cassian, Jyn marched up to him with aggravated steps. "You lied to me." Jyn spoke, making Kitra's chest tighten in anticipation. Kitra leaned against the wall which led to the computers, as she peered towards K-2 and Bodhi. The defected Imperial pilot quickly glanced towards Kitra with a worried expression, which she returned with a subtle shake of her head. Cassian stared back at Jyn through the corner of his eye, "You're in shock."  he answered, as he removed his soaked coat. 

Jyn's face did not falter in the slightest as she kept her eyes on him, "You went up there to kill my father." She revealed, regaining Kitra's attention as her chest jumped. Cassian paused and stared back at Jyn, before his eyes briefly met Kitra's; where he noticed her surprised expression. Cassian look back at Jyn, "You don't know what you're talking about." Cassian shrugged off as he tossed his coat to the side. 

"Deny it." Jyn challenged. Kitra glanced towards her with a questioning gaze, trying to ask her what outcome she wanted from the current conversation, but Jyn would not look at her. The lone woman kept her eyes on Cassian, who peered towards Kitra, who sent Jyn a side eye. "You're in shock and looking for some place to put it. I've seen it before." He fabricated.

Jyn glared back at him, "I bet you have. They know. You lied about why we came here and you lied about why you went alone." Jyn revealed, as she took a step closer towards Cassian. Her anger and grief cascaded from where she stood, as her fury fogged up her vision. Kitra knew that Jyn would react with her emotions, and she knew that Cassian could only take the punches for so much longer. He was calm, but for only so much longer. Kitra remained nearby as she was prepared to separate the two of them.

Cassian released a heavy sigh, "I had every chance to pull the trigger, but did I?" Cassian expressed, before he gazed towards Bodhi who typed in various codes into one of the computers. "Did I?" Cassian repeated. Earning an unsure nod from Bodhi, who quickly met Kitra's gaze as she sent him a comforting smile in an attempt to diffuse his anxiety. The Jedi quickly glanced back towards the arguing adults and crossed her arms while leaning her head against the wall, already tired of their constant disagreements. She could not wait for the mission to end so that they never had to face Jyn ever again. "You might as well have. My father was living proof and you put him at risk. Those were Alliance bombs that killed him." Jyn argued.

"I had orders...orders that I disobeyed, but you wouldn't understand that." Cassian expressed in aggravation while he took a step towards her. Kitra dropped her arms to her sides and stood up from her place against the wall once she recognised his tone. Cassian had sacrificed a lot just by disobeying his orders, and Jyn was refusing to acknowledge any other perspective. 

Jyn looked back at Cassian with disgust. "Orders? When you know they're wrong? You might as well be a stormtrooper." She spat before turning her back on Cassian. Kitra's eyes widened once she heard what Jyn said, as she quickly glanced towards Cassian who processed her words. Oh no. 

Cassian's face quickly contorted into an infuriated expression as he lunged forward to stop her from walking. "What do you know?" Cassian questioned, making Jyn turn around once again to face him. "We don't all have the luxury of deciding when and where we want to care about something." Cassian expressed, as Kitra quietly stepped further into the cabin of the ship, keeping her eyes on the two of them. Kitra ignored Chirrut's disapproving expression as she kept her eyes on Jyn. Cassian let out a sour chuckle, "Suddenly the Rebellion is real for you. Some of us live it. I've been in this fight since I was 6 years old!" Cassian exclaimed, while Jyn did not say a word. 

Kitra's eyes softened when she could feel Cassian's anguish, as she recalled the stories he had told her of his home world, his real home world. Seeing someone like Jyn pretend to know what they were fighting for acted as a reminder of the selfishness within the galaxy. She only cared because it guaranteed her freedom. "You're not the only one who lost everything. Some of us just decided to do something about it." Cassian expressed, prompting Kitra to slowly close in on the two of them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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