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Kitra looked at the few troopers that were stood before her. In the distance Kitra noticed Lani and met her gaze, who sent her a nod before jerking her wrist; making a missile burst out of her wrist before it split into multiple warheads and flew into a couple of the troopers.

Now with less troopers surrounding her, Kitra stuck her hand out, force pushing them into crates, before deflecting the blasts that came from others. The blasts knocked down the troopers, giving the insurgents a small period of time to regroup.

Just as K-2 and Lani joined Kitra and Cassian, one of the automated doors opened revealing a group of stormtroopers. In response, Lani and Cassian repositioned their blasters, while K-2 picked one up from the ground. Kitra stepped so she was stood beside Lani and changed her grip on her lightsaber hilt, so the blade was pointing towards the ground.

In an instant, a battle broke out as blasts shot in each direction; making the group split up to find cover. Although they were covered, the blasts kept firing, giving the insurgents the motivation to fire back.

After counting down mentally, Kitra jumped up from behind the crate she hid behind and stood out in the open, repelling blasts, blocking them with her saber. Kitra gradually traveled towards the automated door that she was attempting to open and stopped before it.

Using one hand to hold her saber and block blasts, Kitra held out her other one and stretched out her palm as she tried to focus on the mechanisms in the door. Kitra pictured the multiple locks that slotted and fitted together, and with her mind, she tried to move it.

The girl could feel the force flowing through her as her hand strained from the amount of strength that she was trying to use. While she did this, the troopers continued to shoot in her direction, making the girl duck every few seconds as she struggled to do both tasks at once.

Cassian looked over and noticed Kitra's struggle and without even thinking, he jumped up and started to fire back at the troopers; alerting Lani who was still in hiding, "Andor! What are you doing?" Lani questioned, before peering over and seeing what Kitra was doing.

Lani instantly fired up her jetpack and soared into the air as she fired back at the troopers, lessening the firepower onto Kitra. Their distraction allowed Kitra to focus on the door a lot more, as she tried to use more of the force, making her muscles ache.

After a while, Kitra realised that the door would not open if she tried that way. Releasing her hold on the door, Kitra shook that arm in an attempt to rid it of its discomfort before she swirled her saber around her wrist and stabbed it through the door, feeling it go all the way through.

Grasping the hilt with both hands, she slowly moved the saber as it cut more of the door. The more she cut, the easier it got for her saber to slice through the tough metallic surface.

Just as she went to curve the circular shape, Kitra felt a spike blare through her mind, making Kitra quickly duck as a blast burned into the door where her head previously was. Looking over her shoulder at the stormtrooper that blasted that shot, Kitra flicked her hand, throwing said trooper into the wall.

The girl was about to return to her work on the door, when she noticed that Cassian was stood out in the open with multiple troopers ganging up on him.

Letting out a sigh, she withdrew her saber and deactivated it as she attached it to her belt before she sprinted in his direction. The girl slid on the polished flooring and took out her twin blasters, spinning them around her fingers as she did so.

Cassian repositioned his grip on his blaster before he continued to shoot down the troopers around him. As worry started rise within him when he started to get surrounded, he heard a couple of blasts before a few of the troopers fell onto the ground as Kitra appeared by his side with both blasters in her hands, putting a smile on his face.

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