~Night Two~

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(before I start I just wanna apologize cuz i haven't updated since the beginning of time and like school and stuff has me caught up so i'm sorry about that- now back to torturing shuichi out of his sleep)

"I can't believe you convinced me to help" Kokichi groaned as he sat on the desk and crossed his arms. Before leaving for work Shuichi stopped at Kokichi's apartment and wouldn't leave until Kokichi came with him. Somehow, it worked.

Shuichi downed another energy drink and sat back in his seat as Kokichi scanned the camera "Well you worked here once, right? You know the tips and tricks and all that good stuff. Also you didn't believe me when I said I heard Rantaro on the-" Shuichi's sentence was cut off by the iconic phone ringing.

"Uh, hello? Hello? Hey, would you look at that. If you're hearing this, I guess you made it to day two right? Congrats..."

Kokichi glanced down at the phone "Woah I forgot about those..! When I worked here I was supposed to make one too but I just didn't feel like it."

Shuichi sat up and flipped through the camera's while Kokichi continued to listen to Rantaro ramble "I won't be able to keep up with you for as long tonight, as the animatronics get more active as the nights progress... Just keep peeking at those cameras and keeping up with your battery. Oh, interestingly enough, Freddy himself doesn't come off stage very often. He likes the dark, or so I hear. That's just another reason not to run out of power. But hey, you're smart. You'll be fine."

Kokichi got up to fiddle with the door buttons "I wonder why they put these lights here if you can just check the cams-"

"Oh hey, you're gonna need to check those door lights as well. Their blind spots for the cameras, so if you just saw an animatronic down the hall, but their not on the camera, you just might wanna check that hall light. Or you can just slam your hand down on the door button. Either works."

Kokichi looked back over at Shuichi and shrugged "Cut me some slack, the animatronics weren't 'haunted' when I worked here"

Shuichi just rolled his eyes and turned off the cams to save power

"One more thing, I know it seems pointless but check the pirate cove from time to time. Foxy, or was it Bonnie... nevermind that, whoever it was doesn't like being watched. If you keep the camera off him for too long he'll sprint at you, and you won't have much time to react. Oh I uh, I've gotta go now. Good luck..!"

"Right...ok... got it" Shuichi muttered to himself as he quickly checked pirate cove.

Kokichi messed around with the cupcake plush as he ducked his head out the door to his right to see if anyone was there "So, let me get this straight... after I quit working here, Rataro picked up my job, animatronics got haunted, Rantaro got killed, and somehow we ended up back here, because, what is logic anymore. Right?"

Shuichi sighed and checked the cameras again, being extra careful to check pirate's cove as well "Yes, yes, yes, and mostly yes. We came back here to solve a mystery. I just feel like if we find out what happened to them, they would be happy, right?"

"Yeah but this is real life. Not 'scooby-do and the great homicide of 87'"

"Oh come on. That was a totally different and hopefully un-related incident-" Shuichi cut himself off as he checked the time and their power "-Uhh Kokichi..? Turn off everything... we have like 63% and it's only 2am"

Kokichi flipped on one more camera just to be annoying, and giggled while he turned it off.

The two sat in silence for a little while before Shuichi got a bit antsy

"I'm just gonna check everything again so we don't die-" Shuichi got up to check the camera's and stopped cold suddenly "-Bonnie is missing! I can't find him on cams!!"

Kokichi, calm as ever, stood up to check the door light, just to be greeted by a very purple, very inhuman, and very fuzzy rabbit face.

(I'm not sure what you are expecting to happen, but he would probably scream like a little bitch)

Kokichi proceeded to lunge for the door button while screaming at the top of his lungs "FOUND HIM!!"

Both boys leaned against the metal door and tried to steady their breathing. Shuichi tried to muster a few words, but just choked on his words and bit his tongue. Kokichi tried to make a comment, but got too excited and started coughing, before resuming his hyperventilating.

Shuichi finally got up and checked the time and cameras again "Its almost 4, we almost died, I need more coffee."

Kokichi remained by the door and curled into a little ball "I wanna go hoooooome... why did you drag me out here?!"

"Well, ah, I figured you would be a great help..? We're too far to turn back, might as well solve this while we have time-"

Kokichi stood on the tips of his toes to try and see if Bonnie left the door "You said that as if we're going to die." The purple haired boy proceeded to fake cry and lean against Shuichi, as if looking for support "I don't wanna die Shuichi! I just wanna go back to bed. My Phanta is calling me, and I miss my teddy-"

The boys continued to check the cameras and eventually opened the door again. They were mostly in silence, except for Kokichi's snarky comments and Shuichi's screaming.

Finally, 6am rolled around, and they both just stared at each other for a while. Kokichi broke the silence

"Never again."

"What? Why?? We have to find out what happened!"

"I'll tell you what, you go to work and gather as much info as you can, and I'll stay home and do research. We can ft the whole time if it makes you feel better..?"


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