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Shuichi glanced around and he looked down at his hands. They were smaller, and a bit more feminine. He seemed to be standing in the back of the party room with a cupcake in his hands, and everything seemed fuzzy as if he was watching a tape. He assumed it was another dream, and let it play out.

The Chica animatronic was off stage and passing out cupcakes, so he assumed thats where he got it from. He was a bit busy watching chica wander, when he noticed Kiibo walking into the back office with the strange person in the golden suit. He wanted to know where it lead, but he also didn't want to endanger the person he was seeing through, so he simply observed.

Nothing happened.

The stranger walked out of the office, but Kiibo didn't follow. Strange, but there wasn't a sign of anything else happening. No one else seemed to notice either. The parents talked amongst themselves while eating pizza, and the children scarfed down their cupcakes and jumped into the ball pit.

The person in the golden bonnie walked over to them while the child continued to admire Chica. "You seem to have taken a liking to Chica-"  they started while sitting down "-is she your favorite, or do you just really like cupcakes?"

"Oh I really like both!" The child said happily while taking another bite. It didn't take long for Shuichi to recognize that enthusiasm, and the voice. He was watching through the eyes of Kaede. "I wonder if I'll be able to join a band like them someday! Since I can play piano, maybe I can do keyboard for the band!"

"What a coincidence! Me and my friend I was just talking to were thinking of starting a band after I teach him guitar. And we could use a keyboard player!" The person stood up and gestured to where they just lead Kiibo.

Kaede stood up so fast, Shuichi felt dizzy "Can I join! We can be the best band ever!"  Kaede seemed to lose focus from everything else, and was only staring up at the strange person. How could no one notice this? This is super weird, this person leading children to the back to do who knows what, and no one seems to care!

The person took Kaede's hand in theirs, and began to walk to the back "Of course you can! We will be the best band ever!" Shuichi did everything he could in his power to slow them down and prevent them from going to the back, but nothing worked.

Once again, as soon as Kaede stepped out of the room, everything went black.

And Shuichi woke up, on the verge of tears.

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