~Night Three~

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"Ok I'm going back to bed, let me know when something weird happens" Kokichi groaned through the phone and faked a yawn.

Shuichi fiddled with the cupcake plushie and looked back over at Kokichi "Oh come on. Let's think about it, if you learn about this guy, you can explore their motives and use it for your organization... for some reason..?"

Kokichi giggled as he looked back at his computer "What a lame reason to keep me around. Alright Shuichi I'm going to go on a killing spree, see ya around!" and he jabbed the air with his fingers, as if stabbing someone.

Shuichi rolled his eyes and checked the cameras "Come to think about it, I've been having these weird dreams I've been meaning to tell you about-" he flipped through the cameras "-remember when our friends died at that party?" he checked the blind spot "-I've been having dreams like that. Like what happened that day-" he closed the door "-I've seen through the perspective of the kids that died, and I saw what happened-" he re opened the door and flipped through the camera again "-Like when they were lured into the back office or whatever-"

Kokichi cut him off "Did you see their face?"

"N-No..? They had the suit on-"

"Did you see how they killed?"


"So what I'm hearing is your paranoid and this isn't much other than what we already know, right?"

"I mean, yes that is true." Shuichi sighed in defeat as he turned off the cameras to save power.

"Well maybe there can be some meaning but I think their just normal nightmares-" Kokichi's attempt to (sorta) cheer Shuichi up was interrupted by the iconic phone ringing "-Oh, you should probably get that."

Shuichi picked up the phone and Rantaro's usual ramble picked up "Hello? Hey! You seem to be doing great! I'm proud. Most people don't make it this far... I'm not saying they died they just normally move onto something else- or they did die."

"Thanks Rantaro, very reassuring," Kokichi grumbled as he sat back

"Ah, anyway. I had a great idea for you! When the animatronic comes about, play dead! They might just think you're an empty costume! Actually wait... if they think you're an empty costume they might try to uh, stuff you with a metal costume... nevermind scratch that idea. Just don't get caught. I've gotta go, night 3 gets serious! See ya on the flip side." The phone clicked and Shuichi put it down.

As he checked pirates cove again, and made sure Bonnie was nowhere near, he looked up at his phone again "Hey Kokichi? You know how dreams have meaning? Do you mind searching up what it means if I see a dead companion in my dream?"

"Sure," Kokichi's words were partially blocked out by his rapid typing "It means your gay. Very gay."

"Very funny Kokichi, so funny in fact that I forgot to laugh."

"In all seriousness it says something about how even though you may have forgotten about it or put it past you, your mental state is trying to heal you... or something. Or you're just gay."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. I think you need to take a day off or something. You seem veeeery emotionally exhausted"

Shuichi flipped through the camera and ignored Kokichi for the most part. The night went on, they had a few heart attacks together, until Kokichi noticed something on the camera 

"Hey Shuichi, show me the left wing hall or whatever."

"Ok..? What about it?"

"There's an article, I wanna see it." Kokichi took a while to skim the article, and Shuichi used the time to check his blind spots and close both doors "Ok. You can change it now"

"Well? What did it say?"

"Oh basically what you were talking about. It mentioned how there were children missing, the bodies weren't found, and how they were reported to be lured into the back."

"Did they check the cameras? When I saw it, nobody payed much mind to it. Not even the parents."

"Yeah. They said they checked the cameras and that's how they knew. They still aren't sure who the person was though."

"When I saw it there was this person in a golden bonnie suit. They were tall but had bad posture. It almost seemed fake to appear more masculine, but I couldn't tell the gender under the suit."

"Maybe we can somehow find the old shift dates and they find out through there. I bet we call pull Chihiro into this and he'll figure it out"

Shuichi reopened the doors "I mean, only if he wants to help. We are not bullying him into diving into the web"

"So is it agreed? We're going to figure out who was the one in the suit by digging through the web?"

"In a sense, yeah."

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